The Office on Women's Health
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Duties and Responsibilities

  • Represent the Office on Women’s Health with primary responsibility to promote and implement a national women’s health agenda at the regional  level.
  • Advise Regional Health Administrators on regional women’s health issues and initiatives, health education campaigns, building women’s health networks, and collaborating with states to designate state points of contact for women’s health.
  • Provide assistance to regional PHS and departmental components, state and local officials, and community organizations in regional women’s health policies, programs and initiatives to promote women’s health strategic objectives.
  • Coordinate activities and initiatives across PHS regional programs to improve the delivery of health care services to women of all ages and socioeconomic and cultural backgrounds at the state, community, and local levels.
  • Develop partnerships with public and private organizations at the state and local levels.
  • Work collaboratively with states to develop databases and inventories of women’s health status, indicators, and programs.
  • Coordinate and sponsor statewide and regional forums, conferences, and workshops addressing a variety of topics pertaining to women’s health, especially minority women’s health.
  • Develop regional strategic plans which address both national and regional goals.
  • Collect information from the region on women’s health organizations, events, key health indicators, and new reports on women’s health topics for the OWH National Women’s Health Information Center.
  • Develop region-specific calendars of events on women’s health activities in the region.
  • Foster the development of a curriculum on women’s health in medical and health care provider education.
  • Foster increased recruitment, retention, and promotion of women in scientific careers and in the health care professions at the national, regional, state, and departmental levels.

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