U. S. Office of Personnel Management


April 1998

April 20, 1998: U.S. Office of Personnel Management Director Janice R. Lachance will discuss nationwide efforts to boost Hispanic representation in the federal workforce at the Sixth Annual Regional Conference of the Hispanic Action Committee on Friday, April 24, in Merrillville, Indiana. [News Release]

April 20, 1998: To assist agency and union leaders in meeting the challenges of labor-management partnerships, the National Partnership Council will hold day-long skills building sessions throughout the country. [News Release]

April 20, 1998: U.S. Office of Personnel Management Director Janice Lachance will participate with officials from several cabinet departments in a discussion of 21st century human resource management initiatives in Washington, D.C., on Wednesday, April 22. [News Release]

April 13, 1998: OPM has made two new tools available to assist Federal agencies in resolving the year 2000 computer problem. One is a waiver of dual compensation reductions, making it easier to re-employ retirees who have the programming skills and systems knowledge that agencies may need. The other tool is the use of premium pay to attract and retain employees in emergency situations. [News Release]

April 3, 1998: The U.S. Office of Personnel Management and the Department of Defense’s National Security Education Program (NSEP) will jointly unveil and demonstrate NSEP-NET on April 8, 1998. Designed and developed by OPM, NSEP-NET is a secure Internet site that gives federal managers and human resource professionals in national security operations access to resumes of NSEP students and graduates. [News Release]


Updated 7 June 1998