U. S. Office of Personnel Management


May 1999

May 25, 1999: In response to President Clinton’s directive, Office of Personnel Management Director Janice R. Lachance today said that her agency has begun the process to propose regulations allowing federal workers to use up to 12 weeks of accrued sick leave to care for a family member with a serious health condition. [News Release]

May 19, 1999: “I want to assure you that we are ready for the year 2000 -- we are Y2K OK,” said U.S. Office of Personnel Management (OPM) Director Janice R. Lachance as she looked into the camera to film a new public service announcement on the subject. [News Release]

May 19, 1999: “OPM is Y2K OK,” are the words of U.S. Office of Personnel Management Director Janice R. Lachance on the latest news of the agency’s radio “hot line.” To hear Lachance’s comments on OPM’s Y2K compliance, please dial 202-606-0839, ext. 30. [News Release]

19 de mayo de 1999: “La Agencia de Administració de Personal Federal está lista para el año 2000,” dice en inglés Janice R. Lachance, Directora de la agencia, en las noticias de última hora de la líinea informativa de la agencia. Para escuchar los comentarios de la Directora Lachance sobre este tema, lla me al 202-606-0839, extensión 30. [News Release]

May 18, 1999: Office of Personnel Management Director Janice R. Lachance delivered the opening remarks at today’s Skills-Building Conference sponsored by the National Partnership Council. [News Release]

May 18, 1999: Many federal supervisors and managers would be able to earn more equitable overtime pay under a legislative proposal introduced by Representatives Elijah Cummings, Constance Morella, and Tom Davis. The legislation sent to Congress by the Office of Personnel Management would increase the overtime pay limitations that affect federal supervisors and managers and other senior General Schedule (GS) employees and bring the federal government’s overtime pay practices in line with non-federal overtime pay practices. [News Release]

May 17, 1999: News Advisory — Office of Personnel Management Director Janice R. Lachance will be keynote speaker at the Federal Asian Pacific American Council’s Congressional luncheon. [News Release]

May 17, 1999: Diversity is the topic U.S. Office of Personnel Management Director Janice R. Lachance will address in her keynote speech at the Federal Asian Pacific American Council (FAPAC) Congressional Luncheon on May 18 at 12 noon. [News Release]

May 12, 1999: Today more and more families are relying on some type of child care arrangement in order to meet the competing demands of work and family. In response to this pressing issue and to President Clinton’s March 10, 1998, directive to provide a nationwide forum to showcase model public- and private-sector solutions on child care needs, OPM will sponsor a summit at the Westin Crown Center, 1 Pershing Road, Kansas City, Missouri, on March 12-14. [News Release]

May 11, 1999: Are you Y2K OK? As the United States, and the world, moves closer to the next millennium, this question is being asked with ever increasing frequency. On May 19, the U.S. Office of Personnel Management will showcase its plans for addressing the Y2K problem. [News Release]

May 6, 1999: With the Capitol dome serving as a backdrop to on-lookers, Washington-area Members of Congress, and government employees, U.S. Office of Personnel Management Director Janice R. Lachance saluted federal civil servants during opening ceremonies of Public Service Recognition Week. Lachance’s remarks began several days of exhibits and efforts by agencies to tell their stories and perhaps convince some of the college students or other Mall visitors that working for the federal government is satisfying, rewarding and a great career option. [News Release]

May 6, 1999: Winners of the 1998 National Combined Federal Campaign (CFC) Awards were honored today by the Office of Personnel Management at a ceremony at the agency’s headquarters. OPM Deputy Director John Sepulveda made the presentation which was held in conjunction with Public Service Recognition Week. [News Release]

May 4, 1999: Hear Office of Personnel Management Director Janice R. Lachance's comments on the federal child care summit and the FEGLI Open Enrollment Period on the OPM "radio actuality hot line". The hot line provides telephone news in both English and Spanish. [News Release]

May 4, 1999: Federal employees have a rare opportunity during May and June to make changes in their Federal Employees Group Life Insurance (FEGLI) coverage. Those considering making changes will benefit from the next Federal Human Resources Forum Satellite Broadcast. Experts from the Office of Personnel Management will discuss the benefits of FEGLI, how much life insurance one needs, how to enroll in FEGLI, and important coverage changes due to a October 1998 change in the law. [News Release]


Page created 14 July 1999