U. S. Office of Personnel Management


November 1998

November 27, 1998: If parenthood or other familial matters are pulling you in all directions, a job with the family-friendly federal government could relieve some of the tension, says a U.S. Office of Personnel Management report to Congress. [News Release]

November 16, 1998: The newly confirmed Office of Personnel Management Deputy Director, John Sepulveda, will talk about the agency’s leading efforts to improve Hispanic representation in the federal government at a National Association of Hispanic Federal Executives’ (NAHFE) conference. [News Release]

November 9, 1998: Federal employees and retirees pondering which health care plan best suits their needs are getting extra help from the Office of Personnel Management during the November 9 to December 14 Federal Employees Health Benefits Program (FEHBP) open season. The pilot program on the Internet -- PlanSmartChoice -- gives employees and retirees living in Maryland, Virginia, Pennsylvania, North Carolina and Washington, D.C. access to an on-line health plan comparison tool at OPM’s FEHBP web page. [News Release]

November 4, 1998: The Office of Personnel Management recently added a feature to its automated, self-service telephone system giving annuitants control over certain voluntary withholdings from their retirement benefit payments. Also, a portion of OPM’s web site is devoted entirely to retirement information. [News Release]

November 2, 1998: In the East Room of the White House today, President Bill Clinton unveiled a report from Vice President Al Gore that detailed how the federal government has complied with provisions of the President’s Patients’ Bill of Rights. [News Release]


Updated 8 January 1999