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wto: uruguay round agreement on agriculture

Agreement on Agriculture: tariffs and market access
Tariffication, the conversion of nontariff barriers to equivalent bound tariffs, was one of the most important outcomes of the Uruguay Round Agreement on Agriculture (AoA). The adoption of a tariffs-only approach for agriculture was a sweeping reform that went a long way toward subjecting agricultural trade to the same disciplines applied to other traded goods. In the Uruguay Round, developed countries committed to decrease average tariffs on agricultural products by a minimum of 36 percent by the year 2000 (15 percent for developing countries by the year 2004). Some countries established tariff-rate quotas (TRQ), which allow limited imports at low in-quota tariff rates and unlimited imports at much higher over-quota tariffs. The quota amounts were set initially at 3 percent, and expand to 5 percent of domestic consumption during the implementation period.

Tariff reductions and the establishment of TRQs increased market access for agricultural exports, but also left many high tariffs in place. Despite the trade liberalization gains in the Uruguay Round, there is ample room in new WTO negotiations on agriculture for further tariff reductions and improved transparency of tariff commitments. Agricultural trade would benefit from reducing high tariffs, reforming TRQs or sharply reducing over-quota tariffs, and improving the predictability of tariff protection.

The Agricultural Market Access Database (AMAD) is a publicly available information tool for the analysis of WTO market access issues in agriculture. It contains data and information for WTO member countries, including tariff schedules, tariff bindings, applied tariff rates, country notifications to the WTO, import quantities, and other useful data.

The readings below address market access issues, including tariffication and tariffs. New readings will be posted as they become available.

Other Agreement on Agriculture issues:

for more information, contact: John Wainio
web administration: webadmin@ers.usda.gov
page updated: October 6, 2003

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