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About Epi Info™

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About Epi Info™
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Epi Info™ is a public domain software package designed for the global community of public health practitioners and researchers. It provides for easy form and database construction, data entry, and analysis with epidemiologic statistics, maps, and graphs. The primary applications within EpiInfo are:

MakeView - a program for creating forms and questionnaires which automatically creates a database

Enter - a program for using the forms and questionnaires created in MakeView to enter data into the database

Analysis - a program for producing statistical analyses of data, report output and graphs

EpiMap - a program for creating GIS maps and overlaying survey data on to them

Epi Report - a tool that allows the user to combine Analysis output, Enter data and any data contained in Access or SQL Server and present it in a professional format. The generated reports can be saved as HTML files for easy distribution or web publishing.

Although “Epi Info™” is a CDC trademark, the programs, documentation, and teaching materials are in the public domain and may be freely copied, distributed, and translated.

Epi Info™ Around the World
A 2003 analysis documented 1,000,000 downloads of Epi Info™ from over 180 countries. The DOS manual and/or programs have been translated from English into 13 additional languages.

Latest Release
Epi Info™, Version 3.3



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This page last updated August 18, 2004

United States Department of Health and Human Services
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Epidemiology Program Office
Division of Public Health Surveillance and Informatics

"Epi Info" is a trademark of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)