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Burning fossil fuels such as coal, natural gas, and oil provides most of the energy for consumers in the United States. These forms of non-renewable energy produce greenhouse gases and other pollutants that could be harmful to the environment. EPA is promoting cleaner energy options, called "green power," that are becoming more readily available and sometimes infinitely renewable. These more sustainable power sources include wind, solar, geothermal, biomass, landfill gas and hydro power.

An important EPA strategic goal focuses on efficient and productive energy use to ensure clean air and protect human health. In the long run, sustainable energy use will depend on more efficient, cleaner energy technologies and greater use of renewable energy sources. Many EPA regulatory and voluntary programs support cleaner air policies that are foundations for more efficient energy use. EPA is also a leader in promoting energy efficiency and sustainable energy use in the operation of its laboratories and facilities.

Click on the tabs above to learn about the many EPA tools, programs and partnerships that support sustainable energy use and production.

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