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Robert T. Matsui - Serving California's Fifth District

Legislative Priorities

“Congressman Matsui has been a tireless advocate for a strong Social Security system. During my tenure as Commissioner I knew I could always turn to Bob Matsui to help us protect the Social Security program. Seniors can count on Congressman Bob Matsui to preserve and protect the Social Security system.”
-Kenneth S. Apfel
Commissioner, Social Security Administration, 1997-2001

Representative Robert T. Matsui believes that the Social Security system is part of what makes America strong and has identified it as his leading national policy priority. As the ranking Democrat on the Ways and Means Social Security subcommittee, he uses his position to safeguard the program’s core value and long-term viability. He adamantly opposes Republican proposals to privatize Social Security, which would gut the system by cutting benefits while exacerbating its financial challenges.

Matsui, who is the only member of the subcommittee that served on it in 1983 when the program last underwent major changes, has the best viewpoint in Congress to help shape the program’s long-term future. He recognizes that while Social Security needs some revisions, it is not in crisis. Indeed, the program’s actuaries have reported that Social Security has the resources, under current law, to pay full benefits through 2041 and three-quarters of its obligations indefinitely. As a result, Matsui believes that today’s choices should be targeted and incremental improvements to the system that will also help increase very long-term solvency.

President Kennedy, a firm believer in Social Security, recognized that “changes in our population, our working habits, and in our standard of living require [Social Security’s] constant revision.” Representative Matsui has a steady and experienced hand to design and implement these updates that Kennedy knew would be required for the healthy functioning of the system. Matsui intends to stand sentry over Social Security’s progressive benefits and protect it from privatization advocates who seek to roll back what it has accomplished.


  • Ranking Democrat, Ways and Means Subcommittee on Social Security, U.S. House of Representatives
  • Convening Co-Chair, Social Security Leadership Task Force, Democratic Caucus, U.S. House of Representatives
  • Matsui is the Leading Opponent of Social Security privatization

Current Agenda-107th Congress

  • Protect Social Security Against Privatization Schemes.
  • Strengthen Privacy Protections and Prevent Social Security Number Fraud.
  • Help Disabled Claimants Secure Legal Representation.
  • Enhance Benefit Provisions for Widows and Widowers.


For more information on Social Security, please visit the following link:

The Social Security Administration