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Beneficiary Data
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Benefits Awarded by Type of Beneficiary

Updated March 22, 2004
Introduction Monthly benefits are payable from the Old-Age and Survivors Insurance (OASI) and Disability Insurance (DI) Trust Funds for certain types of beneficiaries. The number of beneficiaries awarded a benefit, and the average monthly amount awarded, are available through one of the forms below.

You may first want to see a brief description of the available benefit types before continuing with this form. You may view a graph of awards to retired and disabled workers.

Available reports

Two reports are available:
  1. for a selected time period, a report listing number of awards and average monthly benefit awarded by type of beneficiary
  2. for a selected type, or types, of beneficiary, a time series of awards (Selecting more than one type causes the data to be combined for the selected types.)
Data are available for 1980 and later.
Report for selected time period
The time period will be defined by the number of months in a period ending with a selected year and month—for example, a 3-month period ending with March 31, 2004.

Select year:     (any year after 1979)

Select month ending the time period:
Select number of months in period:
1   3   12

Time series report
Select beneficiary type(s):
Retired workers & dependents Retired worker
Spouse of retired worker
Child of retired worker
Survivors Child of deceased worker
Aged widow(er)
Young widow(er) with child in care
Disabled widow(er)
Parent of deceased worker
Disabled workers & dependents Disabled worker
Spouse of disabled worker
Child of disabled worker
Select frequency:  
Select years (optional):
Last 2   Last 5   All

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