U.S. Census Bureau
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Public Information Office

Broadcast B-Roll

Produced for broadcasters and media organizations, these videos include official production elements. Reporters and others can use the footage found on these videotapes to produce their Census Bureau-related stories.

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Broadcast B-Roll

Census 2000 Supplementary Survey (C2SS) VNR/B-Roll: Available on November 20, 2001. This broadcast source tape contains English and Spanish language interviews with Census Bureau officials, C2SS data slates, and covers the C2SS data collection and field operations. TRT 20:00, #V02-010. For a broadcast dub, please call the Public Information Office at 301-457-3691.

Census B-Roll A to Z: A Comprehensive Guide for Broadcasters The most extensive Census 2000 B-roll ever produced for television broadcasters. This definitive broadcast source tape covers all phases of Census 2000 data collection and field operations. TRT 29:33, #V01-242

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