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REED-MD—Los Alamos works with the Semiconductor Industry to Create Predictive Modeling and Simulation Tools.

Working with Motorola, the Laboratory has developed REED-MD, a computer model that predicts the ion-implantation process, the first step in manufacturing semiconductors. An R&D; 100 Award winner, REED-MD saves companies time and money as they investigate new implant conditions.



Los Alamos National Laboratory, operated by the University of California (UC) for the Department of Energy (DOE), develops partnerships and collaborations with industry, academia, and other research institutions that help us accomplish our programmatic goals while benefiting the nation's industrial and academic sectors. Through the Technology Transfer (TT) Division, the Laboratory provides a variety of mechanisms to help it establish these relationships, including agreements for cooperative research and development, personnel exchange, non-disclosure of proprietary information, and non-federal work for others. The Laboratory also has user facility agreements that allow its partners and other entities to conduct research at many of its unique facilities.

TT efforts streamline the CRADA process


Los Alamos National Laboratory

Operated by the University of California for the US Department of Energy
Office of Technology Transfer | Technology Partnerships Working Group

TT Only | Science and Technology | Library

Copyright © UC | For conditions of use see Disclaimer

Last Modified : 9/19/01