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Science & Technology

The Department of Energy is the single largest Federal government supporter of basic research in the physical sciences in the United States, providing more than 40 percent of total Federal funding for this vital area of national importance. It oversees, and is the principal Federal funding agency of, the Nation’s research programs in high-energy physics, nuclear physics, and fusion energy sciences.  Such a diverse research portfolio supports tens of thousands of principal investigators, post-doctoral students, and graduate students who are tackling some of the most challenging scientific questions of our era.

fusion graphic 

Research and Development
DOE manages fundamental research programs in basic energy sciences, biological and environmental sciences, and computational science and is the Federal Government’s largest single provider of funds for materials and chemical sciences.

  drawing a nuclear symbol

Ensuring the supply of radio isotopes
Radio Isotopes have become key agents in the diagnosis and effective treatment of various cancers, heart disease and other medical problems.  DOE programs ensure the availability of an adequate supply of medical and research isotopes, which is essential to the Nation’s health care system.

geothermal science

Research in environmental sciences
The Department conducts research in climate change, geophysics, genomics, life sciences, and science education, as well as scientific research in the areas of fossil energy and environmental science.


A diverse research portfolio
DOE sponsors research at universities located in 49 states, Puerto Rico and the District of Columbia.  These efforts support tens of thousands of principal investigators, post-doctoral students, and graduate students who are tackling some of the most challenging scientific questions of our era.

  News & Events

Shell Opens a Hydrogen Refueling Station in the Nation's Capital


DOE Awards Battelle Energy Alliance Contract to Establish World-Class Nuclear Energy and...


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Image:  Holographic Screening Device

Technology Partnerships

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  Did You Know?

The Department of Energy is responsible for the management of an extensive National Laboratory System, which represents one of the most comprehensive research enterprises in the world. These laboratories perform research and development that is multidisciplinary in nature and for which there is a strong public and national purpose.

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