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Argonne National Laboratory

Honors and Awards

Each year Argonne employees receive hundreds of honors and awards for their contributions to scientific research. These are the highest honors.

2003 Honors and Awards

International Recognition

Alexei Abrikosov
• Nobel Prize in Physics, Royal Swedish Academies
• Honorable Doctor of Sciences, University of Bordeaux, France

George Crabtree
• Kamerlingh Onnes Prize, Physica C

Valerii Vinokur
• John Bardeen Prize, Friends of Bardeen

Massimo Salvatores
• Grand Prix Ampère, French Academy of Sciences

Jan van Erp
• Award of Honor, Slovakian Nuclear Society


John M. Carpenter
• Fellow, American Nuclear Society

Ali Erdemir
• Fellow, Society of Tribologists and Lubrication Engineers

Stephen Milton
• Fellow, American Physical Society

Guy Savard
• Fellow, American Physical Society

Raj Sekar
• Fellow, ASME International

National Honors and Awards

Todd Allen
• Young Engineer Award, American Nuclear Society

Maryka Bhattacharyya
• U.S. Department of Energy Outstanding Mentor Award, Office of Science

Ian Foster , Steve Tuecke and Carl Kesselman (University of Southern California)
• R&D 100 Award, R&D Magazine

Arthur A. Frigo
• The Keystone Award, American Glovebox Society

Michael Henry, Paula Moon, Yupo Lin, Carl Landahl, James R. Frank, Seth Snyder, Shih-Perng Tsai (formerly of Argonne), Rathin Datta and Dennis Burke (EDSEP, Inc.)
• R&D 100 Award, R&D Magazine

Gerard Hofman
• Mishima Award, American Nuclear Society

Kenneth E. Kasza and Roger B. Poeppel
• Emergency Resuscitation Center Award

Sean M. McDeavitt
• U.S. Department of Energy Outstanding Mentor Award, Office of Science

Stephen Milton
• Particle Accelerator Science and Technology Award, IEEE Nuclear and Plasma Science Society

Kenneth Nash
• Glenn T. Seaborg Actinide Separations Award, Multi National Laboratory Collaborative

Christopher Powell
• 2002 National Laboratory Combustion and Emissions Control R&D Award, U.S. Department of Energy

Michael A. Smith
• Mark Mills Award, American Nuclear Society

Fred Stevens
• U.S. Department of Energy Outstanding Mentor Award, Office of Science

Michael Vogt, Laura Skubal, Erika Shoemaker (formerly of Argonne) and John Ziegler (General Atomics Corp.)
• R&D 100 Award, R&D Magazine

Gregor von Laszewski
• U.S. Department of Energy Outstanding Mentor Award, Office of Science

Dale Wahlquist
• Award of Achievement, ASTM International

Jin Wang
• 2002 National Laboratory Combustion and Emissions Control R&D Award,


Nobel Prize winner Andrei Abrikosov

NOBELIST – Argonne scientist Alexei Abrikosov shared the 2003 Nobel Prize in Physics for theories about how matter can show bizarre behavior at extremely low temperatures.

Nobel Prize winner Maria Goeppert Mayer

NOBELIST – Argonne scientist Maria Goeppert Mayer shared the 1963 Nobel Prize in physics for her research on the shell model of the atomic nucleus.

The University of Chicago U.S. Department of Energy Office of Science - Department of Energy
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