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HIV/AIDS Housing

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What's New

HUD Awards $20 Million to Help People and Families Living with HIV/AIDS
Competitively awarded grants to provide permanent homes and services to thousands of families.
more... | Project Summaries

FY 03 Awards | FY 03 Summaries

Urgent Flag Updated Executive Summaries needed ASAP!
The AIDS Housing Website redesign is underway! To have your new grantee page reflect current information about you and your grant, please create and/or update your Executive Summaries by Friday, October 15, 2004.
- Current Exec Summaries
- Exec Summary Guidance
- Exec Summary Template

HOPWA Data Collection and Reporting Requirements
Webcast | With Captions
- STRMU Generalized Statement
- Powerpoint Presentation
- APR Example
- APR Scenario

- CAPER Chart Scenario

HOPWA Performance Reporting and Data Clean Up
- Webcast | With Captions
- CAPER Tutorial
- IDIS Tutorial
- APR Tutorial
- Reporting Deficiencies

Department Announces $31.3 Billion Budget for Fiscal Year 2005
Acting Secretary Jackson released the President's proposed $31.3 billion for the Department in fiscal year 2005, a proposal that will continue to promote affordable housing, strengthen communities and increase homeownership across America.

HUD/CDC Study of the Connection of Housing and HIV
HUD and the Centers for Disease Control are collaborating to study the connection of housing and HIV announced in Part C of the HOPWA SuperNOFA.
CDC Housing and Health Q&A Page
Webcast - Without Captions | With Captions | En Español | Webcast Slides | Webcast Text | Questions & Answers

 -   HOPWA Study
 -   Other HUD Programs for Persons with HIV/AIDS

Did You Know?
Final Rule - 24 CFR Part 92 et al.
September 30, 2003: Participation in HUD Programs by Faith-Based Organizations; Providing for Equal Treatment of all HUD Program Participants.
Text | PDF

How to Find Help
HOPWA Executive Summaries (by state)
Office of HIV/AIDS Housing
Office of Community Planning and Development
U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development
451 Seventh St., SW, Room 7212
Washington, DC 20410-7000
Phone: (202) 708-1934
Fax: (202) 708-9313

Información En Español
 -   Información básica sobre VIH/SIDA- pdf
 -   Programas federales de vivienda para personas con VIH/SIDA - pdf
 -   HOPWA Código Federal, 24 CFR 574 - pdf

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), reports 362,701 persons are known to be living with AIDS and an additional 161,976 persons are known to be living with HIV infection. A 2001 year-end edition HIV/AIDS Surveillance Report says that since many States are not yet reporting on HIV and these figures are incomplete. The CDC estimates that 800,000 to 900,000 Americans are actually living with HIV and AIDS. Throughout many communities, persons living with HIV or AIDS risk losing their housing due to compounding factors, such as increased medical costs or limited ability to keep work due to AIDS. Estimates indicate that one-third to one-half of the persons with AIDS in the nation are either homeless or in imminent danger of losing their homes.

The lack of affordable and medically appropriate housing for persons living with HIV/AIDS and their families is an ongoing concern for AIDS housing providers, policy makers, and advocates across the country. Stable housing promotes improved health status, sobriety or decreased use of nonprescription drugs, and a return for some persons with AIDS to productive work and social activities. Stable housing is the cornerstone of HIV/AIDS treatment.

Recent studies confirm that persons living with HIV/AIDS must have stable housing to access comprehensive healthcare and adhere to complex HIV/AIDS drug therapies. Even though stable housing has been shown to be a necessary link to medical and supportive services, accessing housing is difficult as the wait for affordable housing increases in many communities across the country. Compounding the problem of waiting lists is access to housing with the services to care and treat the increasing number of persons living not only with HIV/AIDS but also with histories of homelessness, mental illness, and substance abuse.

The Response

In recognition of the unique effect HIV/AIDS has on housing for persons with HIV/AIDS and their families, HUD established the Office of HIV/AIDS Housing. The mission of the Office is to ensure that each HUD program and initiative is responsive to the needs of persons living with HIV/AIDS. The office performs policy, program, liaison, outreach, and program evaluation functions.

One of the primary functions of the Office of HIV/AIDS is to manage the Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS (HOPWA) program. The HOPWA program is the only Federal program dedicated to the housing needs of persons living with HIV/AIDS and their families.

In addition to HOPWA, HUD has other programs designated to serve persons with a variety of needs that can be used to serve persons living with HIV/AIDS. HUD programs such as HUD's Homeless Assistance Programs, Programs for Persons with Disabilities, and HOME Initiatives can be directed to persons living with HIV/AIDS and their families.

Housing Options

Persons living with HIV/AIDS and their families may require housing that provides emergency, transitional, or long-term affordable solutions. A variety of HUD programs and projects provide such housing; however, this housing often is not the typical structure we think of as a "house." HIV/AIDS housing includes short- and long-term rental assistance, live-in medical facilities, and housing sites developed exclusively for people living with AIDS.

Community Planning Options

An additional resource for communities striving to meet the housing needs of persons living with HIV and AIDS is the HOPWA National Technical Assistance Program. The HOPWA National TA Program provides assistance to communities in developing strategies and plans to address the housing needs of persons living with HIV and AIDS. Through comprehensive needs analysis, HOPWA TA providers in partnership with community leaders, providers, and consumers develop needs assessments to determine existing projected housing needs for persons living with HIV/AIDS. Through these assessments, communities may address the housing needs of persons living with HIV and AIDS through a holistic approach, which maximizes resources and provides a continuum of housing options.

Content updated October 25, 2004   Follow this link to go  Back to top   
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