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About the Project (Veterans History Project)
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The Veterans History Project collects and preserves the extraordinary wartime stories of ordinary people.

Stories can be told through personal narrative, correspondence, and visual materials
Vivid as if they happened yesterday, these heartfelt accounts make us laugh, cry and remember. The stories are not a formal history of war, but a treasure trove of individual feeling and personal recollections. Through stories, we can form a personal connection with the storyteller and begin to truly know and understand the human experience.

Our primary focus is on first-hand accounts of
U.S. Veterans from the following 20th Century wars:

  • World War I (1914-1920)
  • World War II (1939-1946)
  • Korean War (1950-1955)
  • Vietnam War (1961-1975)
  • Persian Gulf War (1990-1995)

In addition, those U.S. citizen civilians who were actively involved in supporting war efforts (such as war industry workers, USO workers, flight instructors, medical volunteers, etc.) are also invited to share their valuable stories.

The Project greatly values and appreciates veterans' stories from additional combat arenas and those received will be processed as resources allow.

The Veterans History Project relies on volunteers to interview, record, compile and donate materials. All are encouraged to participate: veterans, civilians, adults, young people, men, women, scholars, students, amateurs, and experts. In turn, participants can rely on the Library of Congress to preserve, catalog, and share these collections now and in the future.

The Veterans History Project is made possible by the generous support of the United States Congress, AARP (Founding Corporate Sponsor), and the Disabled American Veterans (DAV) Charitable Service Trust.

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  The Library of Congress >> American Folklife Center
  September 9, 2004
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