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BRFSS Contents

Item: Prevalence Data
Item: Trends Data
Item: Historical Questions
Item: SMART: Selected Metropolitan/
Micropolitan Area Risk Trends
Item: BRFSS Maps
Item: About the BRFSS
Item: FAQs
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Item: Questionnaires
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SMART: Selected Metropolitan/Micropolitan Area Risk Trends

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) for SMART BRFSS

For more information on BRFSS in general, see the BRFSS FAQs. Also see the BRFSS Maps Methods and FAQs for more information on the mapping application.

What does “MMSA” mean?

The acronym “MMSA” refers to metropolitan statistical areas, micropolitan statistical areas, and metropolitan divisions. These geographic subdivisions are designated by the U. S. Office of Management and Budget and used by the U. S. Census Bureau as of June 2003.

  • Metropolitan statistical area — Group of counties that contain at least one urbanized area of 50,000 or more inhabitants (e.g., Atlanta-Sandy Springs-Marietta, GA)
  • Micropolitan statistical area — Group of counties that contain at least one urban cluster of at least 10,000 but less than 50,000 inhabitants (e.g., Willimantic, CT)
  • Metropolitan division — A smaller group of counties within a metropolitan statistical area of 2.5 million or more inhabitants (e.g., Boston-Quincy, MA within Boston-Cambridge-Quincy, MA-NH Metropolitan Statistical Area)

How were the MMSAs selected?  Why are different MMSAs available for different years?

All MMSAs with at least 500 completed interviews in the BRFSS data were selected for inclusion in this project. The MMSAs included in the project are those that met these criteria for a given year. Some MMSAs, especially micropolitan areas, may not be able to attain a large enough sample size to be included every year.

Why were MMSAs chosen rather than another type of local jurisdiction?

MMSAs were chosen because they represent geographic areas that meet standard definitions established by the U. S. Office of Management and Budget, which are used by the Census Bureau and other federal, state, and local governmental entities. MMSAs are composed of counties and the BRFSS collects data about county of residence. This county information allows the reporting of information by MMSAs. Analyzing data by another type of jurisdiction, such as city or township, would require modification to the BRFSS questionnaire.

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Why do some counties have data while others do not?

Certain counties within an MMSA have their own prevalence estimates because they have enough respondents to generate weighted data sets. For this analysis, weighting required at least 19 sample members in each of the weighting classes, which are based on age, sex, and in some states, race. Each state started with between 12 and 24 weighting classes, depending on how the state post-stratified the data. Weighting allows the data to more accurately reflect prevalence for the overall community. Please see the SMART Technical Documents and Survey Data section for further details.

Can MMSA and county data be grouped by categories such as race, sex, and age?

No, the sample sizes are too small to allow subgroup or stratified analyses.

Who developed the weighting process for the MMSA and county data? What is the weighting methodology?

RTI International developed the weighting process. A short explanation can be found under “Why do some counties have data while others do not?” Please see the SMART Technical Documents and Survey Data section  for further details.

Can one MMSA’s prevalence estimates be compared with those of another MMSA?

Yes. Because the same weighting methodology was used for all MMSAs, you can compare prevalence estimates among MMSAs. Comparisons must be interpreted with caution, however, since differences in estimates may be due to demographic and/or socioeconomic differences between MMSAs.  Also, when comparing MMSAs, it is important to examine confidence intervals (margin of error) to make sure that confidence intervals for closely-ranked MMSAs do not overlap. For example, for 2002 diabetes diagnosis, Orlando is 5.5% (confidence interval 3.5% – 7.5%) and Tampa-St. Petersburg-Clearwater is 7.0% (confidence interval 5.0% – 9.0%). These intervals overlap, so you would not interpret the percentages as being different.

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Can these prevalence estimates be used to rank MMSAs?

Because data are available only for selected MMSAs, you have to remember that ranking one MMSA as the “best” for a specific health risk only means it is the best out of these selected MMSAs, not out of the entire country. The “best” could also reflect sociodemographic differences in populations within MMSAs (i.e., younger age group), or the way some MMSAs are defined by the Office of Management and Budget (i.e., how wide of an area around a city is considered part of the MMSA). Also, when comparing MMSAs, it is important to examine confidence intervals to make sure that confidence intervals for closely-ranked MMSAs do not overlap.

Why might these estimates differ from estimates that states have calculated for local areas?

States may have used different boundaries — such as a city or township rather than an MMSA or county — to calculate these earlier estimates. The states would also have used a different weighting methodology. One advantage of this project is that a common weighting system will allow for comparisons across local jurisdictions and states.

Which risk factor categories are available for SMART BRFSS? Will others be available in the future?

The risk factor categories available are alcohol consumption, asthma, colorectal cancer screening, diabetes, exercise, health status, health care access, nutrition, oral health, tobacco use, women’s health, and other risk factors and calculated variables.

Do you plan to do this project every year? Would more MMSAs and counties be available in the future?

Local level estimates are available only for 2002 at this time. Although this was a one-time project, we hope this is the beginning of an ongoing process in which local level data will be available for other years and for other geographic subdivisions. The number of MMSAs and counties included depends on sample size and the weighting procedure used.

Where can I obtain a copy of the BRFSS questionnaires?

The questionnaires are available in the Questionnaires section of the BRFSS Web site in portable document format (PDF). You will need Acrobat Reader to view and print these documents.

I have other questions. Whom should I ask?

All questions should be directed to your BRFSS state coordinator. Up-to-date contact information can be found on the BRFSS State Coordinator list.

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This page last reviewed November 03, 2004

United States Department of Health and Human Services
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion
Division of Adult and Community Health