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Industrial Technologies Program

Showcase Demonstrations Plant tour at the 2001 Utah Showcase

Showcase Energy Efficiency, Cost Savings, and Process Improvements In Your Plant


A Showcase Demonstration is a public event designed to highlight the benefits of energy efficiency, renewable energy, and resource productivity by seeing them applied in real-use conditions in a manufacturing environment. The event, held in partnership with the Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy, demonstrates how a comprehensive approach to improving plant operations can lead to increased productivity, cost and energy savings, and environmental benefits. This is accomplished by conducting training, targeted assessments, and cost shared plant-wide assessments of energy use and practices, and subsequently implementing better process technologies and more efficient motor, process heating, steam, and compressed air systems.

Recent showcases have illustrated significant energy savings and productivity increases. For example, Lester Die Casting (PDF 148 KB) (Download Acrobat Reader) realized a 20% extension in usable time between maintenance cycles, produced as much as 20% less scrap, and increased production from 50 parts per hour to 60 parts per hour by using a visualization tool (CastView) to identify die design improvements. At the Pittsburgh Regional Technology Showcase, Weirton Steel featured technologies that are expected to result in annual savings of $76,000 in repair and maintenance costs and save $60,000 annually in energy costs, after making several improvements to their compressed air system.

During a Showcase, facility tours are held at one or more of a company's plant sites, and workshops, seminars, and presentations may be conducted. Showcases are open events that are usually covered by the media.

The Benefits

• Gain access to energy-
   efficient and renewable energy
   technologies, technical
   assistance, decision-support
   tools, and information from

• Achieve bottom-line energy
   savings and productivity

• Validate the benefits of energy-
   management best practices

• Create good public relations for
   your company

• Become a leader in energy
   efficiency, resource efficiency,
   and renewable energy

"The expertise that EERE brings is invaluable. They help us pinpoint projects with a short payback that we might otherwise overlook. It's a good partnership."

— Howard Snyder,
    Technical Director of Operations,
    Weirton Steel

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BestPractices BestPractices Icon
 Industrial Systems
    - Compressed Air
    - Motors
    - Process Heating
    - Steam
 Plant Assessments
 Tools &
 - Benefits to Host Site
 - Resources for
 - Past Showcases
 for Industry

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Last updated: 07/13/04