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Industrial Technologies Program

Industrial Systems

Industrial systems such as motors and pumps, compressed air, steam, and process heating, can account for a large part of the energy used in manufacturing processes. For example, motor driven equipment accounts for 65% of the electricity consumed in U.S. industry. Over 45% of all the fuel used by U.S. manufacturers is consumed to raise steam. Compressed air systems account for $1.5 billion per year of U.S. energy costs. And, process heating systems account for nearly 17% of all industrial energy use.

The good news is that energy use by industrial systems creates opportunities for significant savings. System improvements and new technologies can help. Just by improving steam systems, manufacturers can realize savings of 20%. Motor system energy use could be reduced as much as 18% by applying proven efficiency technologies and practices. Similar savings are available in both compressed air and process heating.

Weirton Steel is now realizing annual savings of $136,000 after repairing leaks and installing energy efficient compressors at their mill. Alcoa reevaluated its fan system use for collecting dust generated in its alumina to aluminum reduction process at its Mount Holly, South Carolina, plant. They discovered that simple solutions such as reducing fan speeds and turning off unnecessary fans could save energy without affecting performance and are now saving about $100,000 a year.

These and many other companies are taking advantage of the expertise and proven technologies offered by ITP through its BestPractices program. On these pages you'll find tips, case studies, software tools, and other BestPractices resources that can help you cut your energy bill so your company can start seeing savings right away.

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    - Compressed Air
    - Motors
    - Process Heating
    - Steam
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 Tools &
 for Industry
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Last updated: 07/13/04