Help and General Information
n General Information
n Downloading files
n Viewing files
n Search Help
n Giving us your Feedback
This help page is designed to help you find the information you need, from how to navigate through the Personnel Manager site to how to download files in various formats. The topics on the left will get you where you would like to go.

General Information

Downloading Files

Personnel Manager has electronic versions of personnel forms and letters for you to download. These files come in four different formats; WordPerfect, ASCII text, Adobe PDF, and Informs.

Viewing Files in your Browser

Helper Applications

Your browser brings files to your computer using various server protocols such as HTTP, NNTP, SMTP, and FTP. Each protocol can support different file formats.

Your browser has the built-in capability to interpret and display on your computer several formats. When your browser retrieves a file which is not in html format and it cannot read the file, your browser attempts to use a helper application or plug-in capable of reading the file.

Your browser will have an option that allows you to set which applications to use for each file format it will come across. To learn how to set up these helper applications, go to your help option on your browser.

For setting helper applications up in Netscape.

Our Thoughts on the Future

  • Personnel Manager will be expanded to include much more information and guidance than can be found in its current form. We are also working to increase the number of hypertext links to regulatory and legal guidance.

Comments and Suggestions

We encourage you to submit comments and suggestions concerning both the format of Personnel Manager and the information contained in the system. If you believe an area should be expanded, information should be reworded, or find incorrect information listed (including typo’s) please contact Mr. Dave Anderson, U.S. Department of the Interior, Office of Personnel Policy at (202) 208-7339 or e-mail address

bullet6.gif (863 bytes)General Management bullet6.gif (863 bytes)EEO bullet6.gif (863 bytes)Classification bullet6.gif (863 bytes)Labor Relations bullet6.gif (863 bytes)Employee Relations bullet6.gif (863 bytes)Staffing bullet6.gif (863 bytes)Employee Development bullet4.gif (856 bytes)Electronic Forms bullet4.gif (856 bytes)Sample Letters bullet4.gif (856 bytes)Related Sites bullet4.gif (856 bytes)Email bullet4.gif (856 bytes)Help
Revised: 11/18/98
DOI University
National Business Center
U.S. Department of the Interior