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Bargaining Unit
A bargaining unit is a group of employees found appropriate for representation by FLRA and voted upon by employees who are represented by a labor union in their dealings with agency management. Bargaining unit status pertains solely to the positions employees hold within the agency. Employees are either in a bargaining unit (bargaining unit members) or are excluded based on the unit definition or stutory exclusion.

Employees may elect to join the union and pay union dues. Such employees are union members in addition to being members of the bargaining unit. A union that has been accorded representational rights over a bargaining unit must represent all employees covered by that bargaining unit, regardless of whether or not they pay union dues. This is known as the duty of fair representation.
n Title 5 USC Ch 71;
n 5 CFR Chapter XIV
Certain employees are excluded from bargaining unit coverage (e.g., supervisors, management officials, confidential employees with respect to labor relations matters, personnelists in non-clerical positions, and certain individuals employed in intelligence, counterintelligence, audit, investigative, and security work or functions).

Most DOI activities represented by a union(s) have one bargining unit. However, some activities have more than one bargaining unit (e.g., separate units of firefighters, or professionals).

RELATED TOPICS: Negotiations

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Revised: 11/18/98
DOI University
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U.S. Department of the Interior

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