Personnel Manager (Dues Withholding)

n Dues Withholding
Negotiated agreements between labor and management usually contain provisions on dues withholding.

Employees represented by a union may opt to become union members and pay union dues or may decline to do so. In either case such employees are unit members (members of the bargaining unit).

To initiate dues withholding an employee must complete a written authorization requesting to have union dues withheld from his or her pay. Once dues are withheld, this decision cannot be revoked for a minimum of one year.

n Title 5 USC Ch 71;
n 5 CFR Chapter XIV
Neither the employee nor the union may be charged for dues withholding.

A dues allotment terminates if:

  • The employee leaves the bargaining unit, (e.g., promotion, reassignment, transfer).
  • The employee is suspended or expelled from membership in the union.
  • The employee submits a timely, written authorization (subject to one year revocation rules) requesting the termination of dues deduction.

RELATED TOPICS: Duty to Bargain

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Revised: 11/18/98
DOI University
National Business Center
U.S. Department of the Interior