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Absence Without Leave (AWOL)

Absence and Leave Program

Active Military Service

Adjusted Length of Service

Administrative Careers with America (ACWA)

Administrative Grievance System (AGS)

Administrative Leave (also referred to as Excused Absence)


Alternate Dispute Resolution (CORE)

Alternative Work Schedules

Annual Leave

Appropriate Training Expenses

Approval and Funding of Training


Assignment Rights and Position Offers

Attendance & Completion of Training

Authorizing and Paying for Training

Awards Policy and Program Guidance


Bargaining Unit

Below "Fully Successful" Performance

Bump and Retreat Rights


Candidate Referral and Selection

Change to Lower Grade

Change to Lower Grade (Reclassification)

Citizenship & Employment Eligibility

Classification Appeals

Classification Standard - Definitions

Classification Standards

Classification, Position Management, and Organizational Design Overviews

Collective Bargaining

Compensable Injury or Disability

Compensatory Leave

Competitive Area

Competitive Level

Competitive Service

Compressed Work Schedules

Conflict of Interest

Contesting Awards to Unemployment Compensation

Contract Administration

CORE (Conflict Resolution)

Court Leave

Crediting (Ranking) Plan

Critical Results


Dealing with Poor Performers

Dealing with Workplace Violence

Death of An Employee

Delegated Examining Authority


Department of the Interior University

Departmental Manager and Executive Development Programs


Direct Hire Authority

Disciplinary Actions

Discipline and Adverse Actions

Distance Learning Courses


DOI Career Transition Assistance Plan

DOI Labor Relations Program

DOI Partnership Council

Dress and Appearance

Drug Testing

Dual Compensation

Dues Withholding

Duty to Bargain


Eligibility for Unemployment Compensation

Employee Assistance Program (EAP)

Employee Benefits

Employee Rights

Environmental Differential Pay/ Hazardous Duty Pay

Ethics Issues

Examination of Employees (Weingarten Discussions)

Excepted Service

External Recruitment Sources


Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA)

Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) and Overtime

Family & Medical Leave Act of 1993 (FMLA)

Federal Civil Service

Federal Employee Standards of Conduct

Federal Employees' Compensation Program (FECA)

Federal Employees' Group Life Insurance

Federal Employees Health Benefits

Federal Employees' Insurance Program

Federal Employees Pay Comparability Act (FEPCA)

Federal Human Resources Flexibilities and Authorities

Federal Labor Relations

Federal Personnel and Payroll System

Federal Retirement System

Federal Wage System - Key Ranking Jobs

Federal Wage System (FWS)

Filling Positions - Overview

Financial and Legal Obligations

Flexible Work Schedules

Formal Classification Appeals

Formal Discussions

Formal Government-wide Training Programs

Freedom of Information Act and Privacy Act Programs

Funding for Human Resources

Funds Available for Training

Funeral Leave

Furlough for 30 Days or Less

Furlough for 30 Days or More


General Schedule Categories of Work

General Schedule Classification System


Guard (National) and Reserves


Health Programs

Holiday Work


Holidays Regarding Leave

Home Leave

Honor Awards

Hours of Duty, Work Schedules, and Compensation


Impact and Implementation Bargaining

Inappropriate Interview Questions

Informal Classification Appeals

Initial Probation or Trial Period

Interagency Career Transition Assistance Plan

Interagency Training

Interest Based Bargaining

Internal Recruitment Sources

Interview Subjects



Job Analysis


Key Roles in Interest Based Bargaining

Keys to Interest Based Bargaining Success


Labor-Management Partnerships

Leave for Bone Marrow Donations

Leave for Organ Donations

Leave Without Pay (LWOP)

Locality Pay


Management Rights

Medical Examination

Merit Promotion Plan

Merit Promotion Program

Merit System Principles

Merit Systems Protection Board

Military Leave

Modifying Qualification Standards

Monetary Awards


National Guard and Reserves

Negotiability Appeals

Negotiated Grievance Procedures



New Employee Orientation Program

Night Work

Noncompetitive Actions

Nondisciplinary Adverse Actions

Non-Monetary Recognition


Off Duty Employment

Off-Cycle Ratings

Office of Personnel Management (OPM)

Office of Personnel Management Certificates

Official Time

On-the-Job-Training (OJT)

Opportunity to Improve

Oral Admonishment

Outplacement Programs

Overtime Work


Past Practice

Paternal/Maternity Leave

Pay Setting Information

People with Disabilities Employment Program

Performance Appraisal System

Performance Based Actions

Performance Discussions

Performance Improvement

Performance Indicators

Performance Management Program - Overview

Performance Management Responsibilities

Performance Plans

Performance Ratings

Permanent Change of Station (PCS) Entitlements and Benefits

Placement Follow Up

Political Activity (The Hatch Act)

Position Audit or Review

Position Sensitivity

Postponing Within-Grade-Increase

Preemployment Processing

Premium Pay

Preparing to Bargain

Presidential Management Intern Program

Prioritizing the Expenditure of Training Funds

Priority Consideration and Placement Program

Priority Referral and Preference Programs

Probation and Trial Periods

Prohibited Personnel Practices


Qualification and Candidate Evaluation

Qualification Requirements

Qualification Standards

Quality Step Increase


Ranking Interview


Reduction In Force (RIF)

Reduction in Grade and/or Pay (Demotion)

Reemployed Annuitants

Reemployment Priority List (RPL)

Referral from Other Sources

Referral Under Merit Promotion Program



Removal for Unsatisfactory Performance

Representational Proceedings

Representational Rights of the Union

Representative Rate


Reserves and National Guard

Restoration of Duty

Restructuring Positions

Retention Standing


Safety, Health, and Fitness

Sample Ranking Interview Worksheet

Scheduling of Work

Selecting Appropriate Action

Selection Interview

Selection Procedures

Self Development

Senior Executive Service (SES)

Senior Executive Service Candidate Development Program

Service Computation Dates (SCD)

Sick Leave

Sources of Authority

Sources of Training

Special Pay Entitlements

Special Selection Priority

Standard Form 52 (SF 52), Personnel and Position Actions

Student Education Employment Program

Student Employment Programs


Subsistence Payments

Substance Abuse Prevention and Control

Suggestion Awards

Suitability Determination

Summary Ratings

Sunday Work

Supervisory and Managerial Training

Supervisory or Managerial Probation Period


Suspension for 14 Days or Less

Suspension for More Than 14 Days


Team Leadership Program

Temporary Appointment Pending Establishment of a Register (TAPER)

Temporary Employment

Temporary Limited Appointment

Temporary Promotion

Tenure Groups

Term Employment

Terminal Leave

Thirty Percent or More Compensable Veteran

Thrift Savings Plan

Time-In-Grade Restrictions

Time-off as an Award

Training Needs Assessment

Training Policy Handbook - Overview

Training, Duty Hours, and Special Pay

Transfer of Function

Transfers from Other Federal Agencies


U.S. Department of the Interior Labor Relations Program

Unemployment Compensation for Federal Employees (UCFE)

Unfair Labor Practices

Uniform Guidelines on Employee Selection Procedures

Union Unfair Labor Practices

Upward Mobility Program

Use of Government Property

Use of Vacancies During RIF


Veterans Preference

Veterans Readjustment Authority (VRA) Relating to Training

Veterans Readjustment Authority (VRA)

Voluntary Leave Transfer & Bank Programs

Volunteer Service


Within-Grade-Increase (WGI)

Work Force Management

Work Schedules

Worker Trainee Opportunities Program (WTOP)

Worker Trainee Opportunities Program (WTOP) Relating to Training

Writing a Position Description in FES Format

Writing a Position Description in FWS Format

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Revised: 10/14/98
DOI University
National Business Center
U.S. Department of the Interior