FDA Logo U.S. Food and Drug AdministrationCenter for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
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Library of Food and Nutrition Listservs

This form enables you to easily subscribe and unsubscribe to an e-mail discussion list. You will receive e-mail confirming your request from the list. This process may take up to a day or two, so please be patient and wait before attempting to subscribe a second time.

Important: when unsubscribing, use exactly the same address you used when you subscribed.


If you subscribe to a CFSAN Listserv, CFSAN considers your e-mail address confidential and it will not be released under FOI. For your convenience, you can subscribe to other government and non-government Listservs from our site. Each Listserv has its own privacy policy which you should check prior to subscribing.

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