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n Term Employment
n Temporary Appointment Pending Establishment of a Register (TAPER)
n Temporary Limited Appointment
A temporary limited appointment is a nonstatus appointment to a competitive service position for a specified period of time not to exceed one calendar year. Temporary appointments are intended to meet legitimate non-permanent staffing needs and are appropriate only when there is a reason to expect that there will be no permanent/long-term need for the employee.

Examples of appropriate use include, but are not limited to:
  • Temporarily increasing staff to meet a workload peak

  • Staffing continuous positions when future funding and workload levels are uncertain or when it is anticipated that funding levels will be reduced or that the activity will be reorganized

  • Filling permanent positions on a temporary basis in order to save them for eventual incumbency by permanent employees expected to be displaced from other parts of the organization

  • Filling vacancies which occur in activities under study for possible contracting out

  • Hiring temporary employees to perform recurring seasonal work which the agency expects to last less than six months in a year

Agencies may extend a temporary employee's service up to a maximum of one additional year (24 months of total service).

Temporary employees do not serve a trial or probation period. They are not competing employees under reduction-in-force procedures (have no tenure status) and may be terminated at any time upon notice in writing from the employing agency.

Temporary limited appointments may be made from competitive registers maintained by the Office of Personnel Management or outside a register by the agency. Noncompetitive temporary appointments may also be made for applicants who are eligible under such authorities as Veterans Readjustment Authority, 30% or More Compensable Veteran, reinstatement eligibles, or former overseas employees.

n 5 CFR Chapter 316
n 5 CFR Chapter 332
n 5 CFR Chapter 333
RELATED TOPICS: Direct-Hire Authority

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Revised: 11/10/98
DOI University
National Business Center
U.S. Department of the Interior