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Pollution Prevention
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P2 Policy

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National Legislation
P2 Provisions in Federal Laws


It was perhaps less than 20 years ago that the only measurable aspect of pollution prevention at EPA was its waste minimization activity. In the early 1980s, prevention was largely limited to a few specific facility projects, where some companies were able to identify and pick prevention's "low-hanging fruit." By the late 1980s, the prevention concept had attracted and galvanized EPA policy makers. P2 gained momentum with the passage of national legislation in 1990 and the implementation of a series of EPA prevention-specific programs.

By the mid 1990s, the Agency had shifted into a third phase—greater institutionalization of prevention approaches into its mainstream activities, including regulations, permitting, technical assistance, compliance and enforcement. Administrator Carol Browner's P2 Policy Statement, in April 1993, heralded this commitment.

Though the Agency had made significant strides towards its pollution prevention goal, the ideal of making P2 the standard way of doing business has yet to be reached. The following pages detail policy and legislation that affirms and increases the Agency's commitment to pollution prevention:

Framework discusses EPA's pollution prevention policy, which stresses the importance of making prevention the first choice in all of the EPA's work. Read the Agency's strategy for affirming its commitment to pollution prevention and interacting with industry, government agencies, institutions, and organizations to enhance pollution prevention initiatives.

Definitions elaborates on the concept of pollution prevention and the practices that reduce hazard to public health and the environment.

National Legislation highlights the main provisions of and provides a link to the Pollution Prevention Act of 1990, the defining document on pollution prevention.

P2 Provisions in Federal Law hightlights the current pollution prevention mandates in Federal Stautes, as interpretated by the National Environmental Justice Advisory Committee.




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