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Grants Data Dictionary

A fundamental concept of electronic commerce is the standardization of a common set of terms to be used by trading partners during business communications. One of the early priorities of the IAEGC was the review and standardization of terms to be used in electronic grants processing. To date, this activity has led to the development of a list of data elements commonly used during the grant application and award processes. Work continues in defining standardized terminology for professional and institutional profiles, status checking, and the grant announcement. The goal is to standardize the terminology used in each activity of electronic grants processing.

With the advent of www.grants.gov, the original Grants Data Dictionary was used as the basis for definition of “Core” grant application data. Refer to Doing Business with Grants.gov section of Grants.gov and then click Apply Integration to access “Grants.gov Schema Implementation Guide.doc” and the “XML Core Schema.zip” which provide
information on the format for application submission.

The IAEGC Grants Data Dictionary (Transaction Set 194) was written for EDI file format specifications. The "Core" grant application data set is written in XML. The original Transaction Set 194 is still maintained and can continue to serve as a basis for expanded core-plus and agency-specific data sets. The following table of data elements displays the current contents of a Grants Data Elements Dictionary maintained by the IAEGC. These data elements were assembled from analysis of grant application and award forms used by Federal grant making agencies. Also included are data elements from the X12 Implementation Conventions (4010) for Transaction Set 194, Grant or Assistance Application and Transaction Set 850, Purchase Order. Members of the Research and Related Subcommittee and of the State, Local, Non-Profit and Other Subcommittee were instrumental in the analysis, review, and standardization of these data elements.

While the goal is to ensure that the database contains all pertinent terminology, we recognize the database is a work in progress and welcome any suggestions or comments. If your agency requires other data elements in its application or award processing, you are encouraged to send us the information so that your data elements can be added to the database.

Send your comments, suggestions or data maintenance request (PDF) to iaegc@hhs.gov.

Click on selected file below to download. (All files are zipped. The winzip program to unzip files can be downloaded at: www.winzip.com)

Grant Data Dictionary Policy and Procedures

Grant Data Dictionary (MS Access)

Grant Data Dictionary (MS Excel)

Grant Data Dictionary (PDF - zipped)

Data type abbreviations in the table are: AN - alphanumeric fields; ID - an identification code list.