report oil and chemical spills, call the National Response Center:
Environmental Emergencies: Learn more
about planning for and responding to emergencies.
EPA Hotlines: Phone numbers and Web sites
for assistance with your questions.
EPA Headquarters |
Standard Mailing Address
Environmental Protection Agency
Ariel Rios Building
1200 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W.
Washington, DC 20460
(202) 272-0167
Mailing Addresses for other EPA locations
and regional offices.
Employee Directory - Identify EPA employees
by name and location.
Comment on EPA regulations:
EPA Dockets - EPA Dockets (EDOCKET) is an electronic public
docket and on-line comment system designed to expand access to documents
in EPAs major dockets.
Comments or Questions - If you have
comments or questions about EPA's Web site or about the Agency,
please let us know. In addition to responding with Web resources,
we can help you find EPA information that doesn't seem to be on
the Web.
The Common Questions list presents
general information about EPA.
Data Errors - Notify EPA of data errors found on the
EPA Web site. In your notification, please try to be as specific
as possible and to include the URL where you found the error. Your
notification will be sent to the Data Steward who can assist in
getting the information corrected.
Technical Problems:
If you want to report a broken link,
please let us know.
EPA's Internet Technical Support can assist
you if you are experiencing technical problems with EPA's Web site, FTP, downloading files, etc.
Contact EPA Regional Offices: select a region below to contact
that office.