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United States Environmental Protection Agency
Recent Additions
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This page provides access to a listing of some of the recent additions and new materials available on the EPA Web site.

November 4, 2004

November 3, 2004

November 2, 2004

November 1, 2004

October 29, 2004

  • Air Quality Criteria for Particulate Matter (October 2004) - EPA has completed the process of updating and revising, where appropriate, its Air Quality Criteria for Particulate Matter (PM) as issued in 1996 (usually referred to as the Criteria Document). Sections 108 and 109 of the Clean Air Act require that EPA carry out a periodic review and revision, where appropriate, of the air quality criteria (embodied in the Criteria Document) and national ambient air quality standards (NAAQS) for criteria air pollutants such as PM. The final version of the entire PM Criteria Document was issued in October 2004 (National Center for Environmental Assessment).

  • Nonpoint Source Outreach Digital Toolbox - Learn about, and contribute to, EPA's upcoming outreach product--tentatively titled the "Nonpoint Source Outreach Digital Toolbox." (Office of Water).

October 27, 2004

  • Standardized Analytical Methods for Use During Homeland Security Events - EPA's Homeland Security Research Center, in conjunction with EPA's Laboratory and Capability Committee, has developed a list of Standardized Analytical Methods (SAM) to be used by environmental laboratories in analyzing biological and chemical samples associated with threats to homeland security. SAM provides a standard by which to measure specific types of contamination that may be associated with future terrorist attacks. Ultimately, these procedures will be vitally important in assisting state and local government laboratories that are preparing to analyze samples associated with homeland security events. A 90 pp., 580 KB Adobe Acrobat (PDF) document from the Office of Ground Water and Drinking Water.

October 22, 2004

October 21, 2004

October 20, 2004

October 18, 2004

October 14, 2004

October 13, 2004

October 12, 2004

October 7, 2004

  • 2005 Fuel Economy Data - Fuel economy information for 2005 cars, trucks, SUVs and vans is now available to help consumers make good environmental choices when purchasing new vehicles. This is the 30th year that the Environmental Protection Agency and Department of Energy has provided this information to the public (Office of Transportation and Air Quality).

  • Rapid Processing of Turner Designs Model 10-AU-005 Internally Logged Fluorescence Data - EPA hydrologist, Malcolm Field, has developed a computer program, FLOWTHRU, to facilitate the manipulation and processing of fluorescence data downloaded from a Turner Designs Model 10-AU-005 fluorometer. FLOWTHRU improves data collection by rapidly dispensing with unwanted header data, recognizing and adjusting to time-data breaks, and rewriting the data into decimal time units for processing by modeling programs such as QTRACER2. Dr. Field developed FLOWTHRU to cut down on time spent editing data(sets) and thereby improving data quality (less error) and efficiency (National Center for Environmental Assessment).

  • Catalog of Hazardous And Solid Waste Publications Seventeenth Edition - This catalog lists hazardous and solid waste documents released by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's Office of Solid Waste (OSW). This is a select list of publications that are frequently requested and is not a comprehensive list of all documents available. This edition of the catalog contains newly released publications and is current through August 15, 2004 (Office of Solid Waste).

  • Particulate Matter Research Program: Five Years of Progress - Five years of research confirms the need to reduce fine particle air pollution. EPA's proposed Clean Air Interstate Rule (CAIR) will result in the deepest cuts in a decade in emissions of sulfur dioxide (SO2) and nitrogen oxides (NOx) - the two most important precursors of fine particle pollution (Office of Research and Development).

October 6, 2004

October 4, 2004

October 4, 2004

September 29, 2004

  • Technical Overview of Ecological Risk Assessment - Describes the screening-level process EPA uses to evaluate the potential impact of pesticides to non-target organisms (Office of Pesticides).

  • RCRA in Focus: Construction, Demolition, and Renovation - If you are involved with building construction, demolition, or renovation, your company creates construction and demolition (C&D) debris. These materials can consist of three types of waste: (1) Inert or nonhazardous waste; (2) hazardous waste as regulated by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) under the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA); and (3) items that contain hazardous components that might be regulated by some states. Most C&D debris is nonhazardous and is not regulated by EPA. Under RCRA, however, if you generate hazardous waste you are required to follow certain procedures when generating, storing, transporting, or disposing of it. A 24 pp., 1.5MB Adobe Acrobat (PDF) document from the Office of Solid Waste.

September 28, 2004

  • Summary and Analysis of Highway Diesel Fuel 2004 Pre-Compliance Reports - Any refiner or importer planning to produce or import highway diesel fuel in 2006-2010 is required to submit to EPA pre-compliance reports. This documents provides a summary and analysis of the reports that we received in June 2004, including comparisons to the reports received in June 2003. This preliminary information generally follows the trends that were found in the 2003 reports, namely that: 1) the industry is on target for complying with the 15 ppm sulfur standard on time; 2) highway diesel fuel production will be sufficient to meet demand; and 3) 15 ppm sulfur diesel fuel will be widely available nationwide (Office of Transportation and Air Quality).

What Was New on the EPA Internet Site


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