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Ethiopia - Drought Fact Sheet #17
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Situation Reports

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Situation Reports

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Three young school girls were intrigued by the visit of the U.S. officials, particularly when U.S. Ambassador Brazeal introduced herself - after asking them to guess whether she or Administrator Natsios was the Ambassador.

Three young school girls were intrigued by the visit of the U.S. officials, particularly when U.S. Ambassador Brazeal introduced herself - after asking them to guess whether she or Administrator Natsios was the Ambassador.

Families gathered round an elementary school in Asbe Teferi, West Hararge to await the visit of U.S. AID Administrator Andrew Natsios, U.S. Ambassador Aurelia Brazeal and USAID Acting Mission Director Karen Freeman.  More than 500 children go to school each day in the small classrooms. Administrator Natsios shakes hands with village elders, including the village chief, at a supplementary food distribution site in Halidege run by GOAL. The elders, including the chief, thanked him for the generous support. click on a photo to view a larger size and a photo summary
Families wait for food aid at a CARE site in West Hararge. More than 11.3 million people in Ethiopia are in need of food aid; another 2.9 million require close monitoring. The U.S. contribution provides food for an estimated 3.3 million people or 30 percent of the food assistance needs in Ethiopia.
USAIDs work is visible at this GOAL supplementary food distribution site. Since July 2002, the US Government has pledged 508,000 metric tons of food to the people of Ethiopia.
Middle school students welcome Administrator Natsios, US Ambassador Brazeal and USAID Acting Mission Director Karen Freeman to their school by singing “welcome, welcome, welcome, welcome to our school. ” They later presented the delegation with handmade items, including carved spoons and combs. At the GOAL supplementary food distribution site where U.S. government-funded food is distributed, a woman prepares to carry her distribution back to the village in a piece of cloth.  At this site, corn soy blend, sugar and cooking oil are distributed after recipients receive instructions on how to best prepare them.
Children at this school in Asbe Teferi were crammed into several tiny classrooms. USAID provides school notebooks some of which were distributed during the visit by Administrator Natsios. These villagers, about 1 1/2 hours drive outside of Addis in the Arsi zone, have been ill-affected by drought conditions.  This area used to be one of the breadbasket zones of the country.  Due to poor rainfall and declining production, acute food shortages have occurred.  USAID Administrator Natsios and World Food Program Director, James Morris, visited this site to talk with villagers about their food needs. USAID is supplying food aid to WFP to distribute monthly at this location.
USAID Administrator Natsios is welcomed to the Kolba Farmers Cooperative, a 900-member strong organization which supplies fertilizer and seed to its members and markets their produce, including coffee and grains. Due to the cooperative efforts, supported by USAID, income for the farmers has more than tripled. Three young school girls were intrigued by the visit of the U.S. officials, particularly when U.S. Ambassador Brazeal introduced herself - after asking them to guess whether she or Administrator Natsios was the Ambassador.
At an HIV/AIDS awareness rally in Addis, middle school students sing and role play.  The project is administered by Save the Children UK, supported by funding from USAID.  New USAID support will allow the program to expand into additional schools, reaching a greater number of students. Two young boys play in the dry dust while waiting for their families to get food aid at a food supplementary food  distribution site.
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