Personnel Manager [Staffing]

bullet2.gif (896 bytes) Frequently Asked Employee Questions
bullet2.gif (896 bytes) General Overview - Filling Positions
bullet9.gif (896 bytes) Priority Consideration and Placement Program
bullet7.gif (892 bytes) DOI Career Transition Assistance Plan
bullet7.gif (892 bytes) Restoration of Duty
bullet8.gif (880 bytes) Veterans Preference
bullet2.gif (896 bytes) Internal Recruitment Sources
bullet7.gif (892 bytes) Merit Promotion Program
bullet7.gif (892 bytes) Reassignment
bullet7.gif (892 bytes) Change to Lower Grade
bullet7.gif (892 bytes) Details
bullet7.gif (892 bytes) Temporary Promotion
bullet8.gif (880 bytes) Upward Mobility Program
bullet2.gif (896 bytes) External Recruitment Sources
bullet7.gif (892 bytes) Reinstatement
bullet7.gif (892 bytes) Reemployment Annuitants
bullet7.gif (892 bytes) Transfers from Other Federal Agencies
bullet7.gif (892 bytes) OPM Certificates
bullet7.gif (892 bytes) Delegated Examining Authority
bullet7.gif (892 bytes) Direct Hire Authority
bullet7.gif (892 bytes) People with Disabilities Employment Program
bullet7.gif (892 bytes) Veterans Readjustment Authority
bullet7.gif (892 bytes) Thirty Percent or More Compensable Veteran
bullet7.gif (892 bytes) Worker Trainee Opportunities Program
bullet7.gif (892 bytes) Administrative Careers with America
bullet7.gif (892 bytes) Outstanding Scholar Program
bullet7.gif (892 bytes) Bilingual/Bicultural Program
bullet7.gif (892 bytes) Presidential Management Intern Program
bullet8.gif (880 bytes) Volunteer Service
bullet2.gif (896 bytes) Student Employment Programs
bullet8.gif (880 bytes) Student Education Employment Program
bullet2.gif (896 bytes) The Federal Civil Service
bullet7.gif (892 bytes) Competitive Service
bullet7.gif (892 bytes) Excepted Service
bullet8.gif (880 bytes) Senior Executive Service (SES)
bullet2.gif (896 bytes) Temporary Employment
bullet7.gif (892 bytes) Term Employment
bullet10.gif (892 bytes) Temporary Appointment Pending Establishment of a Register
bullet8.gif (880 bytes) Temporary Limited Appointment
bullet2.gif (896 bytes) Other Than Full-Time Employment
bullet7.gif (892 bytes) Part-Time
bullet7.gif (892 bytes) Seasonal
bullet8.gif (880 bytes) Intermittent
bullet2.gif (896 bytes) Service Computation Dates (SCD)
bullet2.gif (896 bytes) Federal Employees Pay Comparability Act
bullet2.gif (896 bytes) Time-In-Grade Restrictions
bullet2.gif (896 bytes) Qualification and Candidate Evaluation
bullet7.gif (892 bytes) Qualification Standards
bullet7.gif (892 bytes) Restructuring Positions
bullet7.gif (892 bytes) Modifying Qualification Standards
bullet7.gif (892 bytes) Job Analysis
bullet8.gif (880 bytes) Crediting (Ranking) Plan
bullet2.gif (896 bytes) Candidate Referral and Selection
bullet7.gif (892 bytes) Referral Under Merit Promotion Program
bullet7.gif (892 bytes) Referral from Other Sources
bullet7.gif (892 bytes) Interviews
bullet7.gif (892 bytes) Uniform Guidelines on Employee Selection Procedures
bullet8.gif (880 bytes) Selection Procedures
bullet2.gif (896 bytes) Preemployment Processing
bullet7.gif (892 bytes) Citizenship & Employment Eligibility
bullet7.gif (892 bytes) Suitability Determination
bullet7.gif (892 bytes) Medical Examination
bullet8.gif (880 bytes) Dual Compensation
bullet2.gif (896 bytes) Placement Follow Up
bullet2.gif (896 bytes) Reduction In Force (RIF)
bullet7.gif (892 bytes) Competitive Area
bullet7.gif (892 bytes) Competitive Level
bullet7.gif (892 bytes) Retention Standing
bullet7.gif (892 bytes) Assignment Rights and Position Offers
bullet7.gif (892 bytes) Outplacement Programs
bullet7.gif (892 bytes) Transfer of Function
bullet8.gif (880 bytes) Furlough for 30 Days or More
bullet2.gif (896 bytes) Permanent Change of Station (PCS)

bullet6.gif (863 bytes)General Management bullet6.gif (863 bytes)EEO bullet6.gif (863 bytes)Classification bullet6.gif (863 bytes)Labor Relations bullet6.gif (863 bytes)Employee Relations bullet6.gif (863 bytes)Staffing bullet6.gif (863 bytes)Employee Development bullet4.gif (856 bytes)Electronic Forms bullet4.gif (856 bytes)Sample Letters bullet4.gif (856 bytes)Related Sites bullet4.gif (856 bytes)Email bullet4.gif (856 bytes)Help
Revised: 11/18/98
DOI University
National Business Center
U.S. Department of the Interior