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Vaccine Management System (VACMAN)
Useful Files

These files, except for the database files, are not part of the VACMAN application.   However, they may need to be used on a 1-time or occasional basis.

Excel Spreadsheet for 1998 Enrollment Data

Utility Programs

ZIPPED Reference Databases File

Excel Spreadsheet for 1998 Enrollment Data

Beginning with VACMAN version 2.0, the new VFC Enrollment age categories were made available for use by the Projects.   To enter information for these age categories, you can:

  • display each provider record and enter the information
  • use a spreadsheet to enter the information and then import the file to VACMAN

If you prefer a spreadsheet, the Systems Development Team has developed a spreadsheet in Excel.  This spreadsheet and the instruction files are available to download.

Click here to download the spreadsheet (Excel).

Click here to download instruction files (WordPerfect).


Utility Programs

All the utility programs, except AREACODE.EXE,  have been included with the different upgrade releases.  They should be residing under the directory (such as VACLAN) with the other program files (VACMANW.EXE).   Verify that the utility is not available on your VACMAN system, before downloading.

AREACODE.EXE - update telephone prefixes (voice and FAX numbers) in the Provider database to a new area code

Click here to download the AREACODE.EXE file.
Click here to download the file (areacode.txt)
containing instructions to use the utility.

DELDUPSK.EXE - mark for deletion duplicate Varicella shipment information records that may have been created in Version 2.5

Click here to download the DELDUPSK.EXE file.
Click here to download the file (deldupsk.txt) containing instructions to use the utility.

ERESTORE.EXE - restore VACMAN database files when no user can log in to VACMAN

Click here to download the ERESTORE.EXE file.
The instructions to use the ERESTORE utility can be found in Appendix C "Emergency Restore Utility (ERESTORE)" of the VACMAN User's Guide.


ZIPPED Reference Databases File

Reference database files contain records that are not updated by input to VACMAN.   They contain records that are updated by CDC only.

This file contains all the VACMAN Reference Database files for version 2.6.  After you download this file, you will need to "unzip" it to copy the database file you need.

The reference database files are:

  • ACTREF.DBF - action codes for Distribution records
  • BMP.DBF - bitmap objects used on the Criteria screen and Alert pop-up windows
  • COMMS.DBF - modem settings
  • CRITERIA.DBF - report criteria selection screen settings
  • ENROLLSC.DBF - source codes for VFC-enrollment information
  • FILTER.DBF - criteria used on the Filter screen
  • REPDEF.DBF - definition of values set in the Criteria screen to produce various reports
  • SECTOREF.DBF - provider classification codes
  • STATCODE.DBF - status codes for vaccine orders transmitted to CDC
  • STATES.DBF - state/territory abbreviations
  • SUPPLIER.DBF - vaccine manufacturers
  • TBLINDXS.DBF - criteria used on the Search screen and Display Option drop-down list
  • VACCBULK.DBF - bulk order vaccine types with current Federal contracts
  • VACCFORM.DBF - old formula for 2 VFC age groups used to calculate excess distribution shipments
  • VACHELPW.HLP - online help
  • VFORMULA.DBF - formula for 3 VFC age groups used to calculate excess distribution shipments
  • ZIPCODES.DBF - ZIP codes

Click here to download the file.


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This page last modified on October 13, 2000


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