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Administration for Children and Families US Department of Health and Human Services
Region 10 - Seattle

Developmental Disabilities

Program Overview

Developmental disabilities are severe, chronic disabilities attributable to physical and/or mental impairment which manifest before age 22 and are likely to continue indefinitely. They result in substantial limitations in three or more of the following areas: self care, receptive and expressive language, learning, mobility, self direction, capacity for independent living, and economic self sufficiency. The goal of these programs is to assure that individuals with developmental disabilities and their families participate in the design of and access to, culturally competent services, supports and other assistance and opportunities that promote independence, productivity, integration and inclusion into the community.

ACF funds the following types of organizations in our region:

State Developmental Disability Councils

State Developmental Disability Councils promote capacity building and advocacy activities, the development of a consumer and family centered comprehensive system, and a coordinated array of services, supports and other assistance designed to help people with developmental disabilities.

Protection and Advocacy Systems

Protection and advocacy programs provide for the protection and advocacy of legal and human rights. The P&A systems advocate on behalf of and provide advocacy services to persons with developmental disability in areas related to their disabilities including: education, abuse and neglect, institutional and habilitative services and guardianship and housing services.

University Affiliated Programs

The University Affiliated Programs provide for interdisciplinary training, exemplary service, technical assistance and information dissemination activities. UAPs support a variety of activities which address individual needs from birth to old age, a variety of service issues from prevention to early intervention to supported employment, and a broad range of disabilities.

Projects of National Significance

Projects of national significance focus on pressing issues affecting people with developmental disabilities and their families that have an impact across states and regions. Such projects have focused on: data analysis, technical assistance, work transition, self advocacy strategies, inclusion in child care, cultural competency and the involvement of those with a developmental disability in the juvenile justice system.

ACF Funded Organizations in Region 10





Seattle Regional Office Roles and Contacts

Region 10 staff:

  • Develop strategies at the community, state and federal level
  • Identify areas for cross program collaboration
  • Develop program specific performance measures

Contact the Region 10 Special Populations team

Related Links

White House New Freedom Initiative - Fulfilling America's Promise to Americans with Disabilities
Links to organizations dedicated to individuals with developmental disabilities