Argonne National Laboratory (ANL), a government owned facility operated by the University of Chicago for the Department of Energy (DOE). TD focuses on R&D in nuclear-related technologies, including nonproliferation (RERTR), environmental remediation (Decontamination & Decommissioning), fusion power, and new initiatives in a variety of promising technologies (lasers, robotics, advanced computing, aerosols).
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Search TD

Enter your Search terms in the field below and press the "Search TD" button.
To get improved results try the Search tips suggested in this page.


Search Tips explained
Check spelling Top

Make sure the spelling of your search terms is correct.

Use multiple words Top

If you use more than a single word, you'll get more refined results.
Example: fission products will return more relevant results than only fission.

Use similar words Top

The more similar words you use, the more relevant results you will obtain.
Example: safe, secure, privacy, security.

Use capitalization Top

Capitalize proper nouns. Lowercase words match any case.
Example: meadows will return all documents with the words meadows, Meadows and MEADOWS. Meadows will only search for pages about Meadows.

Use quotes to search for an exact phrase Top

Use quotes to look for words which must appear adjacent to each other.
Example: Use "Process Modeling and Aerosol Techniques", otherwise search results will include the word Process, Modeling, and, Aerosol, and the word Techniques, but not necessarily in this order. Those words may appear anywhere, in any order within the document.

Use + to require and - to exclude words or phrases Top

Use + when you want the search term or phrase appear in the search results. Use - to indicate unwanted term(s). A phrase must be contained within quotes. Leave no spaces between + or - and the term.

Use wildcards (*) Top

Use wildcards (use * as the wildcard character) to increase the number of matches for a request. quotes to look for words which must appear adjacent to each other.
Example: Using lab*, will return documents containing the words laboratory, laborious, labile, labyrinth and any other word starting with lab. If you search for *her* you'll find documents where here, either, thermal, and any other word that contains her anywhere in the word.

Use field searches Top

The use of field searches allows you to target for words appearing in a specific part of a document. You can perform a field search on:
• body text (body:),
• title text (title:),
• alt text (alt:),
• meta description (desc:),
• meta key words (keys:),
• or URL (url:)
The filed name should be in lowercase and immediately followed by a colon. Avoid spaces between the colon and the search term. The field searches can only be performed using a word or phrase. Phrases must be given within quotation marks.

S E A R C H  T I P S

Basic query

Separate your search terms with spaces.

Advanced query
Check spelling -Explain!-
Use multiple words -Explain!-
Example: fission products
Use similar words -Explain!-
Example: safe, secure, private, security
Use capitalization -Explain!-
Use quotes -Explain!-
Example: "Process Modeling and Aerosol Techniques"
Use plus sign (+) or minus sign (-) -Explain!-
Example: +language -template
Use wildcards -Explain!-
"wh* are"
Use field searches -Explain!-
desc:"Advanced Computing"
alt:"6 kW CO2 laser"

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ARGONNE NATIONAL LABORATORY, Nuclear Engineering Division
9700 South Cass Ave., Argonne, IL 60439-4814
Operated by the University of Chicago for the U.S. Department of Energy


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Last modified on January 06, 2004 15:52 -0600