
Argonne National Laboratory

Educational Programs at Argonne

Division of Educational Programs

The Division of Educational Programs (DEP) is Argonne's link to the educational community. Each year, DEP serves thousands of students and faculty members from around the nation, operating the largest set of educational programs of any DOE Science laboratory. For students and faculty members at all educational levels, Argonne has a program that will engage you in a scientific learning experience:

  • Graduate programs – Graduate programs range from research appointments to international student exchanges.
  • Undergraduate programs – Undergraduate programs include laboratory internships, pre-teacher training and cooperative education.
  • K-12 programs – K-12 programs include academic contests, conferneces to stimulate interest in science and engineering careers, and teacher-development programs.
  • Faculty programs – Faculty programs include short-term research appointments and sabbatical leave.
  • International programs – Argonne offers a number of international training programs in support of the International Atomic Energy Agency.

What's available

Argonne's Research Participation Catalog contains the titles and descriptions of almost all research projects underway at Argonne National Laboratory. Browse this catalog to determine which research projects DEP offers.

Ask a Scientist

The Ask a Scientist feature, part of the Newton online bulletin board, allows you to ask a scientist a question online or search the answers to thousands of previously answered questions.

International Training in Energy, Power and Environmental Analysis

In addition to the many programs DEP offers, some of Argonne's research divisions offer professional training in the use of analytical tools and student research programs.

The Center for Energy, Environmental and Economic Systems Analysis (CEEESA) in Argonne's Decision and Information Science Division has extensive experience in employing multi-disciplinary teams of specialists grounded in scientific, engineering, and social science disciplines to address complex energy and environmental issues of domestic, international and regional importance. An important part of CEEESA's mission is providing training to help developing nations expand their expertise in energy, power and environmental systems analysis.

CEEESA offers training to international partners in:

  • Energy demand forecasting
  • Energy systems analysis
  • Regional power market integration studies
  • Power systems expansion analysis
  • GHG mitigation and carbon policy analysis
  • Environmental risk analysis

The training courses use a variety of modeling tools, including the ENergy and Power Evaluation Program (ENPEP), the Model for Analysis of Energy Demand (MAED), the Wien Automatic Systems Planning (WASP) Package, the Generation-Transmission Maximization (GTMax) tool and the Electricity Market Complex Adaptive System (EMCAS) software. Over the last 25+ years, in collaboration with various international agencies and lending institutions, Argonne has trained more than 1,300 experts from more than 80 countries in the use of these tools. In many countries, private and government analysts actively use CEEESA models for energy and power market analyses and environmental systems studies. The World Bank, GEF and other lending agencies regularly rely on analyses generated with these tools in their project loan evaluation process.

Global Change Education Program

Argonne manages the Global Change Education Program for DOE's Office of Biological and Environmental Research (BER). This program promotes undergraduate and graduate training in support of the DOE's global change research. This research encompasses a wide variety of study areas, including atmospheric sciences, ecology, global carbon cycles, climatology, and terrestrial processes. A major goal of GCEP is to involve undergraduate students at the end of their sophomore or junior year in BER-supported global change research, then continue this experience during subsequent undergraduate summers.

The two components of GCEP are

Hands-On Learning

Argonne educational programs offer hands-on learning experiences to students at all stages of their education.

The University of Chicago U.S. Department of Energy Office of Science - Department of Energy
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