Science and Technology

Argonne National Laboratory

Argonne Research Programs

Argonne research falls into the broad categories of basic science, energy resources, environmental management and national security. For more information, see the sections below on each category.

Basic Science

Basic Science seeks solutions to a wide variety of scientific challenges. This includes experimental and theoretical work in materials science, physics, chemistry, biology, high-energy physics, and mathematics and computer science, including high-performance computing. Argonne's exciting, cutting-edge research brings value to society today by helping lay the foundation for tomorrow's technological breakthroughs.

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Energy Resources

Energy Resources programs help insure a reliable supply of efficient and clean energy for the future. Argonne scientists and engineers are developing advanced batteries and fuel cells, as well as advanced electric power generation and storage systems. Argonne's long history of research and development in nuclear reactor technology is now being applied to improving the safety and longevity of both American and Soviet-designed nuclear reactors.

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Environmental Management

Environmental Management includes work on managing and solving the nation's environmental problems and promoting environmental stewardship. Research in this area includes alternative energy systems; environmental risk and economic impact assessments; hazardous waste site analysis and remediation planning; electrometallurgical treatment to prepare spent nuclear fuel for disposal; and new technologies for decontaminating and decommissioning aging nuclear reactors.

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National Security

National security has increased in significance in recent years for the nation and for Argonne research. Argonne capabilities developed over the years for other purposes are helping counter the threats of terrorism. These capabilities include expertise in the nuclear fuel cycle, biology, chemistry, and systems analysis and modeling. This research is helping develop highly sensitive instruments and technologies to detecting chemical, biological and radioactive threats and identify their sources. Other research is helping to detect and deter possible weapons proliferation or actual attacks.

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Biosciences (also see Biotechnology)

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Biotechnology (also see Biosciences)

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Chemical Engineering

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Decision and Information Sciences

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Energy Systems

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Energy Technology

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Environmental Assessment

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Environmental Research

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High Energy Physics

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Materials Science

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Mathematics and Computer Science

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Nuclear Reactor Safety and Technology

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Transportation Technology R&D Center

The University of Chicago U.S. Department of Energy Office of Science - Department of Energy
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