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Study in the U.S.
Travel in the U.S.
Bush Administration
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Travel in the U.S. travel icon

blue button Geography and Travel
Guide to key sites and features of the United States. Includes visa information and destination guides.

Travel and Tourism Information
Organizations for Disabled Travelers
red button National Rehabilitation Information Center
fax: 301-587-1967
red button Society for the Advancement of Travel for the Handicapped
fax: 212-725-8253
red button Access Travel: A Guide to the Accessibility of Airport Terminals
Consumer Information Center, Department 578Z, Pueblo, CO 81009
red button Air Transportation of Handicapped Persons
US Department of Transportation, Distribution Unit, Publication Section, M-443-2, 400 Seventh St. SW, Washington, DC 20590
red button Travel Tips for Hearing Impaired People
American Academy of Otolaryngology: fax: 703-683-5100
Organizations for Elderly Travelers
red button American Association of Retired Persons
601 E st. NW, Washington,DC 20049
red button Mature Outlook
Customer Service Center, 6001 N. Clark St., Chicago, IL 60660
red button National Council of Senior Citizens
fax: 202-624-9595
Home Stay
red button United States Servas
11 John St., Room 407, New York, NY 10038 fax: 212-267-0252
A nonprofit organization to promote international understanding and peace. Travellers should be interested mainly in their hosts, not in sightseeing, during their stays.
red button Pacific Intercultural Exchange
P.I.E.- USA American Homestay Program
red buttonThe Experiment in International Living
An opportunity to explore the world with new friends from around the United States.

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