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Where to Find Answers: If you have questions about AHRQ's activities, before using our comment form, please try to find the answers by checking our Home Page, where we have established links to various topical areas. Also check the News & Information section and Frequently Asked Questions. You may also Search or Browse the Web Site. These features are designed to assist you in obtaining the information you are seeking.

Freedom of Information: AHRQ cannot accept Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests online or by telephone (because such requests must be signed in writing). You may send such requests by mail to the address below and identify your request as a Freedom of Information submission. You may also send a signed request by fax to (301) 594-2283, Attention: Freedom of Information Officer. For more information, please check the Freedom of Information Electronic Reading Room.

Research Impact: AHRQ is interested in feedback from the private and public sectors on how our research findings or products are being used and their impact on organizations, service delivery, and quality of care. Please contact the Agency by mail or online through the form below if you are willing to provide feedback on your experience and examples of use and impact and/or will allow us to interview you and develop a case study.

Communicating by Mail with AHRQ: Please send your letter with comments or questions to: Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, Office of Health Care Information, Suite 501, Executive Office Center, 2101 East Jefferson Street, Rockville, MD 20852.

Communicating Online with AHRQ: If you want to communicate your comments, questions, or suggestions by E-mail to AHRQ, please use this response form. Please understand that due to the large volume of E-mails received, we may be unable to respond directly to every comment. However, your comments and concerns are important to us in helping to assess and improve our programs and products.


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