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April 13, 2005 --- 10:30 AM --- NSLS Seminar Room
The Quantum Mechanics of Global Warming
Brad Marston, Dept. of Physics, Brown University
hosted by Peter Abbamonte

The National Synchrotron Light Source at Brookhaven National Laboratory in New York, is a national user research facility funded by the U.S. Department of Energy's Office of Basic Energy Science. The NSLS operates two electron storage rings: an X-Ray ring and a Vacuum UltraViolet (VUV) ring which provide intense light spanning the electromagnetic spectrum from the infrared through x-rays. Each year over 2500 scientists from universities, industries and government labs perform research at the NSLS.


   Recent News

Next General User Proposal Deadline: January 31, 2005
Spreading the Word on NSLS-II
Awards and Good Times at the 2004 NSLS Barbeque
Summer Student Research at the NSLS
NSLS Visiting Scientist Mehmet Aslantas Wins Prestigious Lecturer Award

   Seminars & Events

2005 NSLS Users' Meeting, May 23-25, 2005
Next UEC Town Meeting: Wednesday, November 17th, 1-3 PM

   Featured Article

Under Pressure, Zirconium is a "Glass" Act

   Science Highlights

X-Ray Analysis of a Miniprotein Polymer
The Usual Behavior of an Aluminophosphate

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