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Seminar Archives: 2004, 03 

  All 2004 Symposia
October 12, 2004   "Don’t Slice the Messenger"
Leemor Joshua-Tor, Keck Stuctural Biology, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory
10:30 AM, NSLS Seminar Room
September 21, 2004   Control Systems for the Diamond Light Source
Mark Heron, Diamond Light Source, Rutherford-Appleton Lab
10:30 AM, NSLS Seminar Room
September 14, 2004   "Experience at SPEAR With the RTEMS Real-Time OS for EPICS Controls"
Till Straumann, Stanford University, SLAC
10:30 AM, NSLS Seminar Room
August 10, 2004   Dynamics from Buried Polymer-Polymer Interfaces in Thin Films
Jyotsana Lal, Intense Pulsed Neutron Source, ANL
10:30 AM, NSLS Seminar Room
June 1, 2004   Actin Bundle Networks ˇV Self Assembly on Many Length Scales
Linda Hirst, University of California, Santa Barbara
10:30 AM, NSLS Seminar Room
March 16, 2004   Latest developments at the ESRF
Annick Ropert, European Synchrotron Radiation Facility
10:30 AM, NSLS Seminar Room
February 23, 2004   Short wavelength Free Electron Laser activities in France : from the Super-ACO FEL towards the ARC-EN-CIEL project
Marie-Emmanuelle Couprie, CEA-Service de Photons, Atomes et Molécules
10:30 AM, NSLS Seminar Room
January 6, 2004   Controlling Matter with Light
Robert Gordon, University of Illinois at Chicago
1:30 PM, NSLS Seminar Room
  All 2004 Seminars
October 8, 2004   “Coherent Beam-Beam Tune Shift of Unsymmetrical Beam-Beam Interactions with Large Beam-Beam Parameter "
Lihui Jin, University of Kansas
10:30 AM, NSLS Seminar Room
September 24, 2004   XAS Analysis Using Ifeffit: An Irregular Tutorial Series, Artemis: Analysis with more than one Feff calculation.
Bruce Ravel, Naval Research Laboratory
3:00 PM, NSLS Seminar Room
August 10, 2004   Requirements and Process for Obtaining BNL Publication Numbers
Mary Petersen, BNL Library
1:30 PM, NSLS Seminar Room
August 3, 2004   Flash Cooling of Protein Crystals: Predicting Ice Formation Using a Heat Transfer Model
Lokesh Gakhar, University of Iowa
10:30 AM, NSLS Seminar Room
August 3, 2004   American Superconductor Company's First and Second Generation High TC Superconductor Wire Capabilities
Dr. Larry Masur, American Superconductor Company
3:00 PM, NSLS Seminar Room
August 3, 2004   High Temperature Superconductor R&D at Magnet Division
Ramesh C. Gupta, BNL
3:00 PM, NSLS Seminar Room
July 8, 2004   XAS Analysis Using Ifeffit: An Irregular Tutorial Series, Athena: Data processing.
Bruce Ravel, Naval Research Laboratory
2:30 PM, NSLS Seminar Room
July 2, 2004   Diamond, A New Light Source Facility in the UK
E. Haas, J. Skaritka, P. Mortazavi and D. Lynch, NSLS Mechanical Engineers, NSLS, BNL
12:00 PM, NSLS Seminar Room
June 22, 2004   "Information on the Booster Projects to the CLS and the Australian Synchrotron and other Light Source Related Equipment"
Lars Anthon, Sales Director and VP., Danfysik,
10:30 AM, Bldg 510, Room 2-160
June 18, 2004   Matlab-based Accelerator Control Tools tutorial/talk
Gregory Portmann, formerly of ALS and SPEAR
10:30 AM, NSLS Seminar Room
June 16, 2004   NASA Space Radiation Laboratory
Adam Rusek, CAD
4:00 PM, Berkner Hall Auditorium
June 10, 2004   Interactions of Magnetic Nanoparticles in Self-Assembled Arrays
Sarah Majetich, Carnegie Mellon University
10:30 AM, NSLS Seminar Room
June 8, 2004   Organic Functional Group Imaging and Spectroscopy of Aorta and Plant Tissues
David Wetzel, Kansas State University
10:30 AM, NSLS Seminar Room
May 25, 2004   New design of Cornell's luminescence-based X-ray BPMs
Peter Revesz, Cornell University
10:30 AM, NSLS Conference Room A
May 20, 2004   Interfacing CCD's To EPICS Control Systems
Mark Rivers, University of Chicago
1:30 PM, NSLS Conference Room B
May 17, 2004   Protecting Our National Security: BNLs Contributions
Paul Moskowitz, BNL-Nonproliferation and National Security
4:00 PM, Berkner Hall Auditorium
April 28, 2004   Stimulated Emission in a Compact Cerenkov Source
I Owens, Dartmouth College
9:30 AM, NSLS Conference Room A
April 27, 2004   Modeling of SPEAR3 with Accelerator Toolbox - from CDR to Commissioning
Andrei Terebilo, SLAC, Stanford University
10:30 AM, NSLS Seminar Room
April 23, 2004   Development of Impedance Database and its application to the APS Storage Ring
Yong-Chul Chae, Argonne National Laboratory
10:00 AM, NSLS Conference Room A
April 23, 2004   TUTORIAL: XAS Analysis Using Ifeffit, Artemis: Starting a data analysis project - PART 2
Bruce Ravel, Naval Research Laboratory
1:30 PM, NSLS Seminar Room
April 21, 2004   The ATLAS experiment at the Large Hadron Collider
Hong Ma, BNL-Physics
4:00 PM, Berkner Hall Auditorium
April 14, 2004   Exploring Sub-picosecond Dynamics in the Far-Infrared with THz Spectroscopy
Charlie Schmuttenmaer, Yale University
10:30 AM, NSLS Seminar Room
April 13, 2004   Electronic Structure Calculations of Strongly Correlated Systems
Sergej Savrasov, New Jersey Institute of Technology
10:30 AM, NSLS Seminar Room
April 12, 2004   Beam Line Structures for UAL-type Libraries and Design/Tracking Codes
Etienne Forest, KEK/CERN/LBL
10:00 AM, NSLS Seminar Room
April 9, 2004   Vortex-EX Multi-Cathode Silicon Detector
Carolyn Tull, Radiant Detector Technologies, LLC
1:00 PM, NSLS Seminar Room
March 29, 2004   Investigation of Phonons In Superconductors By Inelastic X-Ray Scattering
Alfred Baron, SPring-8/JASRI
10:30 AM, NSLS Seminar Room
March 17, 2004   TUTORIAL: XAS Analysis Using Ifeffit, Artemis: Starting a data analysis project
Bruce Ravel, Naval Research Laboratory
12:00 PM, NSLS Seminar Room
March 17, 2004   Experimental Multi-modality Imaging: What Imaging Can Tell Us About Diseases
Helene Benveniste, BNL-Medical
4:00 PM, Berkner Hall Auditorium
March 5, 2004   Bio-resorbable Nanoceramics for Gene and Drug Delivery
Seo-Young Kwak, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
3:00 PM, NSLS Seminar Room
March 4, 2004   Understanding the momentum aperture in storage rings
Christopher Steier, Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory
1:30 PM, NSLS Seminar Room
February 17, 2004   TUTORIAL: XAS Analysis Using Ifeffit, Athena: Importing data and background removal
Bruce Ravel, Naval Research Laboratory
12:00 PM, NSLS Seminar Room
February 3, 2004   3D imaging using multi-keV x-rays: path toward 10 nm resolution
Wenbing Yun, Xradia
10:30 AM, NSLS Seminar Room
January 20, 2004   Accelerator Related Research at RIKEN
Toshiya Tanabe, RIKEN
1:30 PM, NSLS Seminar Room
January 14, 2004   Improved x-ray vision: Advanced detectors for synchrotron radiation
Peter Siddons, NSLS
2:30 PM, Bldg 535, Large Seminar Room
January 13, 2004   Flash cooling and cryoprotection of protein crystals
Sergey Kriminski, Cornell University
10:30 AM, NSLS Seminar Room