Tom Allen - Representing Maine's First District

H.R. 2356, The Prescription Drug Comparative Effectiveness Act

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Rx Drug Comparative Effectiveness
Learn more about Tom's bipartisan legislation to provide caregivers and consumers with with unbiased, evidence-based research on prescription drugs

H.R. 2356, The Prescription Drug Comparative Effectiveness Act

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Rep. Allen Promotes Research on the Comparative Effectiveness of Prescription Drugs (9/8/04)
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HHH Secretary Tells Rep. Allen Research Deadlines on Rx Comparative Effectiveness to Be Met (3/10/04)
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"States becoming labs for health spending reform" (article by Rep. Allen for The Hill, 2/25/04)
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FDA Enforcement Actions against False and Misleading
Prescription Drug Advertising Declined in 2003
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On June 6, 2003, Representative Tom Allen (D-ME) introduced H.R. 2356, The Prescription Drug Comparative Effectiveness Act of 2003.  With Representative Jo Ann Emerson (R-MO) as the bill's primary Republican co-sponsor, this bipartisan initiative is designed to provide doctors with evidence-based research on prescription drugs.  H.R. 2356 authorizes $50 million for the National Institutes of Health (NIH) to conduct research, and $25 million for the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) to conduct studies, on the comparative effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of prescription drugs that account for high levels of expenditures or use by individuals in federally funded health programs. It directs AHRQ to submit an annual report to Congress, NIH, and the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, delineating its findings and making the information publicly available, including posting on the NIH internet site.  The bill has drawn support of AARP, Consumers Union, Rx Health Value and a number of health care advocacy organizations.  It has also received editorial support from The New York Times, Chicago Tribune, Los Angeles Times and many other newspapers around the country. 

The links on this page are to additional information about H.R. 2356 and background on prescription drug comparative effectiveness.


Related Links
October 17, 2003 bipartisan letter to President Bush regarding Austrailia's Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme's prescription drug comparative effectiveness program go there
"Support From US To Leave Drugs Out Of Trade Talks" (Australian Financial Review, 10/23/03) go there
See a video clip of Rep. Allen posing questions to top NIH officials at a joint House/Senate hearing on NIH research and funding go there