Tom Allen - Representing Maine's First District

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Natural Resources Council of Maine Clean Air Project

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Clean Energy & Air Quality
Tom works as a member of the House Energy and Air Quality Subcommittee to improve air quality in Maine and throughout the nation.

Clean Energy for Clean Air

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More Global Warming Cartoons

Statement on the Approval by the Russian Government of the 1997 Kyoto Protocol on Global Climate Change, (9/30/04)
click here

Rep. Tom Allen Asks EPA Administrator Leavitt to Answer Outstanding Questions on Mercury Rule, (9/21/04)
click here

Rep. Allen: Bush Administration Secrecy, House Collusion “A Threat to Our Democracy”, (9/15/04)
click here

Rep. Tom Allen Joins Call for EPA to Conduct Analyses Needed for a Legitimate Mercury Rule, (9/1/04)
click here

Atmospheric mercury deposition has made the fish from Maine’s rivers and lakes poisonous to pregnant women, their babies and their young children. In this century, global climate change will threaten our coastline and way of life. Smog migrating from the west and south now shrouds Cadillac Mountain on many summer days and makes the air we breathe in Maine more polluted on some days than Philadelphia.

To address these problems, Tom is an original cosponsor of H.R. 2042, The Clean Smokestacks Act. From his new role as a member of the House Energy & Commerce Committee and its Subcommittee on Energy and Air Quality, Tom is currently fighting for legislation to strengthen the Clean Air Act and against the Bush Administration’s so-called Clear Skies Initiative, which would weaken the current Clean Air Act, for more information about the committee, click here.

The links below are for more information about the bill introduced in the 107th Congress. Tom's bill closes the so-called "grandfather" loophole which allows utilities, primarily in the midwest and Texas, to continue polluting our air nearly 30 years after enactment of the Clean Air Act. It establishes stringent yet attainable standards for mercury, sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides and carbon dioxide. And, except for CO2, my bill does not let power plants “trade” pollution credits.

The links on this page provide more information on air pollution and its impacts on public health, the environment and global climate.

Related Links
H.R. 1335, The Clean Power Plant Act (107th Congress) go there
H.R. 1335 cosponsors (107th Congress) go there
H.R.1335 bill summary (107th Congress) go there
Frequently Asked Questions about H.R. 1335 (107th Congress) go there
Statement on Introducing H.R. 1335 (107th Congress) go there
Press Release on Introduction of H.R. 1335 (107th Congress) go there