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Maine-ly Kids
This page contains helpful and entertaining information and links for kids, young adults, parents and teachers.

November 21, 2001

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to my web page for young people, parents and teachers. From this site, you can send me an email with your questions or concerns, find out what’s fun for kids to do in Maine and Washington, D.C. and find links to the best of many other web sites for young people.

Some of these sites are written for elementary school and middle school students. They can find out interesting things about our government, like what the FBI does, what’s in the White House, how laws are made, and how the National Weather Service figures out what the weather is going to be.

Older kids will find the answers to their questions about appointment to our nation’s service academies, financial aid to continue their education beyond high school, joining the military or applying for internships and page positions. Other sites provide helpful information about Maine colleges and financial aid. You can also link on-line to Maine's newspapers and radio and television stations and to the Washington Post and other national newspapers, magazines and broadcast media networks and learn the status of legislation being debated in Congress.

For parents and teachers, we have assembled links to libraries, guides and other sources that may help you help your kids.

I hope you will find this page useful and exciting. Explore it and let me know what you think!

Thanks to interns Jon Crasnick and Joe Donahue for their contributions to the development of Maine-ly Kids.