Tom Allen - Representing Maine's First District

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Rep. Tom Allen Announces $250,000 Department of Education Grant to MSAD #6, 7/12/04
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NEA Charts depicting the affects of the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2004 on U.S. Department of Education Programs

"No Child Left Unscathed" a Point of View article by Rep. Tom Allen (Phi Delta Kappan, January 2004)

I am proud of Maine’s strong commitment to education. This dedication clearly makes a difference, as Maine rates 12th out of all 50 states in overall child well-being. Forbes Magazine has stated that Maine "gets the biggest bang for its education buck," citing that Maine's per pupil spending is near the national average while its students have the highest composite scores on National Assessment of Educational Progress tests. Maine has the highest high school graduation rate in the country, and the University at Maine at Farmington has been rated one of the top public comprehensive colleges for seven consecutive years.

In the past few years, our national and state education systems have experienced sweeping reforms. I believe in education reform that combines substantial investments of resources in our schools with real standards and accountability from our schools. The federal No Child Left Behind Act, Maine’s own Learning Results and the transition to community colleges in Maine represent a growing dedication to strengthening our education system.

However, I am concerned that the federal government’s failure to fully fund the No Child Left Behind Act and the Individuals with Disabilities Act, or to provide adequate funds for student loan and financial aid programs, has forced schools in Maine and across the country into a near-crisis situation. Education is the best investment we can make in our future and the federal government must meet its responsibility to provide the needed financial support. I will continue to work with legislators, educators, parents and students to help secure adequate funding and ensure the success of our schools.

The links on the menu to the left will connect you with information about legislation I have cosponsored or introduced as well as national and Maine-based educational websites on education issues. Enjoy!

Related Links
See a video clip of Rep. Allen speaking about the affects of the No Child Left Behind Act on Maine School. (News Hour with Jim Lehrer, 9/2/03) go there
"Unless Congress meets its promise of federal funding, it is setting up schools and NCLB to fail" (press release from Rep. Allen, 10/22/03) go there