Committee on House Administration

October 21, 2004

Chairman Bob Ney and Senator Kit Bond write to state officials on provisional ballot issues.

A copy of the letter was sent to each of the 50 Chief State Election Officials.  MORE


Press Releases | Dear Colleagues
Feature One Photo Video One
Hearing on 527 Organizations and meeting on Subpoena Resolution
Feature Two Photo Video Two
Ney ushers the creation of the National Museum of African American History and Culture.
Feature Three Photo Video Three
Ney discusses the significance of the Museum.
Latest News

Chairman Bob Ney and Senator Kit Bond write to state officials on provisional ballot issues

Ney Helps Launch National Voter Registration Week
Ney  - Roll Call Editorial
September 13, 2004
Latest Dear Colleagues

Briefing on the House of Representatives Business Continuity/Disaster Recovery Plan

Ney Responds to Dean Letter on Voting Machine Security

HAVA authors oppose federal legislation to require "paper trail"   (PDF)

Summaries on Election Reform

Disability Summary

Anti-Fraud Provisions
Military Outline
Requirements Outline
Funds Outline
House-Senate Agreement
EAC Outline
Funding Table

Rotunda Interior Scene in Capitol Hill Photo