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Vaccine Management System (VACMAN)
Upgrade Files


upvac263.exe - newest version of VACMAN. This file is password protected and can only be accessed by the Projects designated by CDC.

chgs.htm - Contains the VACMAN Version 2.63 maintenance changes.

upvac263.txt - text file containing the instructions below to upgrade VACMAN from version 2.53 to version 2.63.

Perform the following steps to upgrade VACMAN from version 2.62 to version 2.63. These steps must be performed on every PC that is used for VACMAN.


Upgrade Instructions:

  1. Download "VACMAN Version 2.63" from the Web page.
  2. Using Windows 95/NT My Computer displays the files.
  3. Double click on the UpVac263.exe file name. The Introduction screen is displayed.
  4. Read the on-screen instructions.
  5. To start the upgrade, click on the Next button. The Password screen is displayed.
  6. Enter the following in the Enter Password field. The password is not case sensitive. The password is not contained in this document for security reasons, but it is the same password used in previous upgrades. You can find the password in the upgrade instructions mailed to you for previous versions.
  7. Click on the Next button to continue with the upgrade. A search is conducted of the C: drive to determine the location of the current VACMAN executable program file. The Specify Program File Location screen is displayed. The directory displayed in the Folder field is either the directory found by the search or C:\VACMAN (if the VACMAN executable program file was not found).
  8. If the file is under a directory name different than what is displayed:

    In the Folder field:

    manually enter the directory where your VACMAN executable program file is located


    click on the button with 3 periods. The Find Directory screen is displayed. Use the Drive and Directories boxes to select the correct directory.

  9. Click on the Next button to continue. A box is displayed at the bottom of the screen indicating the percentage of file installed. A screen is displayed indicating the upgrade is complete.
  10. Click on the OK button. The upgrade has been successfully completed. Close Windows 95/NT My Computer.
  11. Start VACMAN version 2.63.
  12. To verify that version 2.63 is installed, display the About VACMAN screen under the Help menu, or display the Display Resources screen under the Utilities menu.
  13. Exit VACMAN.
  14. Repeat the steps to upgrade the program files for any additional PCs used for VACMAN.

upvac263.exe - newest version of VACMAN.  This file is password protected and can only be accessed by the Projects designated by CDC.

chgs.htm - Contains the VACMAN Version 2.63 maintenance changes.

upvac263.txt - text file containing the instructions above to upgrade VACMAN from version 2.53 to version 2.63.


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This page last modified on September 12, 2001


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