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United States Environmental Protection Agency
Indoor Air - IAQ Design Tools for Schools
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School Facilities and Their Impact on Learning

Why Indoor Air Quality is Important to Your School

Good indoor air quality (IAQ) is an important component of a healthy indoor environment, and can help schools reach their primary goal of educating children. Failure to respond promptly and effectively to IAQ problems can have health, cost, and educational process consequences.  Read more about the IAQ Tools for Schools program via the IAQ Coordinator's Guide, section 2 at

Indoor Air Quality and Student Performance

Evidence continues to emerge showing that poor indoor air quality can cause illness requiring absence from school, and can cause acute health symptoms that decrease performance while at school. In addition, recent data suggest that poor IAQ may directly reduce a person's ability to perform specific mental tasks requiring concentration, calculation, or memory.  Download the PDF file of the publication "Indoor Air Quality and Student Performance" at

Indoor Air Quality in Schools - An Introduction

The indoor environment in any building is a result of the interactions among the site, climate, building structure and mechanical systems (as originally designed and later modified), construction techniques, contaminant sources (what is outside, inside, and part of the building), and building occupants.  Read more about the IAQ Tools for Schools program via the IAQ Coordinator's Guide, section 5 at

Indoor Air Quality Backgrounder (Handout)

Four page summary of indoor air quality issues covering 11 major topics. Available in html format - or as a pdf file -

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