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CDC's Reproductive Health Information Source
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Global Perspectiveshand holding the world

International Reproductive Health Surveys (IRHS)
About IRHS • topics and types • conducting a survey • MEASURE • survey reports

Contraceptive Logistics 
About contraceptive logistics • lessons learned • shelf life and storage • problems with quality • publications • technical assistance  

Refugee Reproductive Health
About refugee reproductive health • completed studies • studies in progress • other projects • publications

Reproductive Health Epidemiology
About reproductive health epidemiology • epi workshops • technical assistance

Online Resources 
South-to-South Collaboration: Lessons Learned • Leadership in Logistics: A Slide Show for Family Planning Policymakers • Family planning methods and practices: Africa • Pocket guide to managing contraceptive supplies 

About the agreement with USAID
How to obtain assistance • visit the USAID Web site


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First time visitors:
Because reproductive health issues are a focus of many projects within CDC, this site features information from various programs, not just the Division of Reproductive Health. 

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This page last reviewed August 20, 2004.

United States Department of Health and Human Services
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion
Division of Reproductive Health