Fun Activites
 Become an IPM Super Sleuth Exit EPA disclaimer
Created with support from EPA and the National Foundation for IPM Education, IPM Super Sleuth can teach you about Integrated Pest Management using word games.
 National Institute of Environmental Health Science Exit EPA disclaimer
Games, puzzles, art, and more -- all about science, the environment, and environmental careers.
 Recycle City
A game, an interactive book, and other puzzles will teach you hundreds of ways a whole town can reduce, reuse, and recycle.
 Waste No Words
Test your knowledge about waste by solving this crossword puzzle.
 UV Radiation Crossword Puzzle
If you're good with words, and think you know all about ultraviolet radiation (or want to learn), then you're sure to enjoy this crossword puzzle.
 What on Earth? Exit EPA disclaimer
Play for points and try to beat the clock in this quiz about air, water, and land.

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