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Atmospheric Modeling Division
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EPA-NOAA Scientist to Scientist Meeting

Plenary Session

Air Quality Research to Guide National Policy Programs

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8:15 am. to 8:30 am. Welcome and Opening Remarks (PDF, 1.1 MB, 7 pages) Gary Foley, Director
National Exposure Research Laboratory
8:30 am. to 8:50 am. Regulatory Challenges (PDF, 5.6MB, 33 pages) John Bachmann
Office of Air Quality Planning & Standards
8:50 am. to 9:10 am. Research Challenges (PDF, 2.1MB, 17 pages) Darrell Winner
National Center for Environmental Research
9:10 am to 9:30 am. Research Needs & Plans of the National Exposure Research Laboratory (PDF, 453KB, 19 pages) Gary Foley
9:30 am to 9:50 am. Research Needs & Plans of the National Risk Management Research Laboratory (PDF, 1.1MB, 10 pages) Frank Princiotta

Break 9:50 am to 10:10 am
10:10 am to 10:30 am. Research Needs & Plans of the Air Resources Laboratory (PDF, 2.1MB, 15 pages) Bruce Hicks
10:30 am to 10:50 am. Research Needs & Plans of the Aeronomy Laboratory (PDF, 8.2MB, 7 pages) Dan Albritton

10:50 am to 11:10 am

Research Needs & Plans of the Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory (PDF, 1.6MB, 17 pages)
- U.S. Hourly Ozone Levels (AVI movie, 11MB)
- World Ozone Levels, July 2003 (AVI movie, 1.8MB)

Ants Leetmaa
11:10 am to 11:30 am

Research Needs & Plans of the Environmental Technology Laboratory (PDF, 2.4MB, pages)
- Example of Frame by Frame Weather Images (PDF, 621KB, 13 pages)
- Cloud Cover Movie (MPEG, 1.8MB)

Bill Neff
11:30 am to 11:50 am Research Needs & Plans of the NOAA Air Quality Matrix Program (PDF, 2.2MB, 12 pages) Jim Meagher
11:50 am to 12:10 pm Research Needs & Plans of the National Climate Data Center (PDF, 3.0MB, 22 pages) Sharon LeDuc

Lunch 12:30 pm to 1:30 pm
Meeting Sessions
Agenda (PDF, 240KB, 8 pages)
Attendees (PDF, 128KB, 2 pages)

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