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United States Environmental Protection Agency
Water Quality Standards
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Basic Information

Antidegradation Policy

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Antidegradation Policy:  Water quality standards include an antidegradation policy and implementation method.  The water quality standards regulation requires States and Tribes to establish a three-tiered antidegradation program.

Tier 1 maintains and protects existing uses and water quality conditions necessary to support such uses.  An existing use can be established by demonstrating that fishing, swimming, or other uses have actually occurred since November 28, 1975, or that the water quality is suitable to allow such uses to occur.  Where an existing use is established, it must be protected even if it is not listed in the water quality standards as a designated use.  Tier 1 requirements are applicable to all surface waters.

Tier 2 maintains and protects "high quality" waters -- water bodies where existing conditions are better than necessary to support CWA § 101(a)(2) "fishable/swimmable" uses.  Water quality can be lowered in such waters.  However, State and Tribal Tier 2 programs identify procedures that must be followed and questions that must be answered before a reduction in water quality can be allowed.  In no case may water quality be lowered to a level which would interfere with existing or designated uses.

Tier 3 maintains and protects water quality in outstanding national resource waters (ONRWs).  Except for certain temporary changes, water quality cannot be lowered in such waters.  ONRWs generally include the highest quality waters of the United States.  However, the ONRW classification also offers special protection for waters of exceptional ecological significance, i.e., those which are important, unique, or sensitive ecologically.  Decisions regarding which water bodies qualify to be ONRWs are made by States and authorized Indian Tribes.

Antidegradation implementation procedures identify the steps and questions that must be addressed when regulated activities are proposed that may affect water quality.  The specific steps to be followed depend upon which tier or tiers of antidegradation apply.


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